Client Love

"When I embarked on this journey with you, my initial goal was to develop my coaching skills and finally overcome procrastination. However, what I’ve discovered is far more profound and transformative than I ever anticipated. The work we’ve been doing has guided me to look inward, allowing me to acknowledge and embrace every facet of who I am. This self-acceptance has not only led to personal growth but has also radiated outward, affecting how others perceive me. Recently, two dear friends remarked on the noticeable change; they said I seem more at peace and exude a calming presence that makes being around me enjoyable. This transformation is a testament to the power of our work together - it goes beyond achieving external goals and touches the very essence of who I am. By continuing this journey, I’m not just enhancing my professional capabilities; I’m cultivating a deeper sense of fulfillment and inner harmony that enriches all aspects of my life. A BIG THANK YOU!"
~ Tracey Chapman

“Before working with Lisa, I woke up nearly every morning with anxiety. I was a chronic overthinker and problem maker. Despite years of therapy in several modalities, inner child work, breathwork, tapping, you name it, I felt even more stuck than ever. All I had accomplished was massive self-awareness, but no tools to get out of my own way. As a result, I had little to no confidence, struggled to make decisions and had reached complete burnout. I spent my days pushing through exhaustion and resistance and struggled with everything from showing up in my business to having day to day conversations with family. I was done on every level and I needed help.
Since making the decision to work with Lisa, I am experiencing more moments of peace. My mind has become quieter and communication has improved in both my business and personal relationships. I am setting new boundaries, creating more space and truly letting go of what’s no longer serving me.
Thanks to Lisa I finally have someone modeling boundaries, a community of support, self care, leadership, entrepreneurship in a way I have never experienced before, and in a way that allows me to walk a path that best serves me as my authentic self.”
~ Alyssa Labrecque

~ Michelle McNamara
Stockbroker, Partner. Business owner of Macgro Consulting Pty Ltd
"Even since I was a kid, I had wanted to visit Whistler and although I LOVED the mountains and everything it offered, the real heart of the retreat was experiencing 6 days of the company of incredible women, including Lisa.
I usually steer away from group activities on my travels and yet the structure of Lisa's retreat suited me perfectly - a great mix of experiencing the wonder of Whistler, time for incredible conversations to emerge from hanging out together in a welcoming house – I felt both exhilarated, rested and connected.
Of course the food, the air, the ziplining, spa and more hit the spot for me and I left with a greater understanding and insight of what I need to change, keep, stop and do from the magical way Lisa allowed the retreat to infold. Honestly, I loved it and find it hard to express so much into a few short lines. Lisa - you are a great human, and your team was extraordinary."
~ Katie

"Before working with Lisa, I felt lost, yearning for a radical change but clueless about the direction to take or even where to begin. My journey with Lisa has been transformative, teaching me the profound lesson that the responsibility to create the life I desire lies with me alone. Embracing this responsibility has been empowering, shedding light on the many facets of myself and how they've been supporting me—albeit not always in the most conducive ways for the change I aspire to.
One of the biggest revelations from my coaching experience is recognizing that there's nothing within me that needs "fixing." The belief that I wasn't enough or that my worth was conditional has been dismantled. I've learned that I am inherently worthy, valuable, and lovable, just as I am.
Working with Lisa has been intense and, at times, brutal, confronting the old, ineffective ways head-on. However, this challenge has been a gateway to learning new skills, adopting new perspectives, and embodying new ways of being that are not only liberating but also immensely fulfilling. It's hard work, but it's the kind of hard work that brings about real, freeing change."
~ Angela McGregor

"Being part of this group has been an illuminating journey, reminding me that we're never alone in our struggles. Despite our unique circumstances, we all face similar hurdles, just dressed in different disguises. For instance, I witness other women in the group and recognize my own patterns in their stories, and it has been eye-opening. It's like being coached through someone else's experiences, which is incredibly powerful.
The sense of community and support we share is unparalleled. Having a space like Voxer to turn to, where I can share anything and receive feedback, has been invaluable. A simple share about my old charcoal paintings and watercolors unearthed talents and emotions I hadn't acknowledged, thanks to the group's encouragement. It's inspired me to reconnect with my creativity, which I've neglected for too long.
What I appreciate most is the unpredictability of our discussions. Whether we're diving into a planned topic or exploring spontaneous themes, there's always a rich tapestry of insights and surprises that profoundly impact my life. The 'hot seats' sessions, despite being nerve-wracking, offer a unique space to confront and unravel those unexpected challenges.
This journey has highlighted the importance of creativity in my life—something that used to manifest through cooking and baking, and now calls me to explore new avenues like revisiting my art. The group has not only been a mirror reflecting my own experiences but also a window into new possibilities. And while I've stepped back from one-on-one coaching, this collective space continues to offer growth, surprises, and invaluable lessons that resonate deeply with my journey.
The dynamic and fluid nature of our gatherings always brings something beneficial to my life, and I can't wait to see where it takes us."
~ Laurie Ann
Speaking Advisor & Strategist

“Before I started with Lisa Carpenter, I was overwhelmed, lost, and feeling like I was stuck on a treadmill. My sleep was erratic, and I was becoming increasingly reclusive.
With Lisa’s guidance, my life took a turn for the better. I’ve begun to rest more, reduced work hours, and now enjoy frequent mini trips with my husband. I’ve found a new inner calm, transforming my life significantly.
My biggest win from Lisa’s coaching was learning the power of vulnerability and the importance of slowing down. This mindset shift was liberating.
Lisa’s support during my IVF journey and the unsuccessful aftermath was invaluable. Her coaching not only transformed my thinking but also enabled me to help my husband view his work stresses differently. Without Lisa, I could have ended up completely burnt out.
Lisa’s process, blending one-on-one sessions, group calls, and Voxer access, was very effective. Initially, I worried my input was trivial, but I realized that was just my perception.
I cannot recommend Lisa enough. Her compassionate yet firm approach will guide you towards a healthier, happier, and calmer life.“
~ Jodie Clinton

“I’ve been waking up with the most wonderful feeling over the last couple of months.
For as long as I can remember, I used to wake up with my inner voice frantically worrying about all the work I had to do and berating me about how I wasn’t good enough to get it all done.
This was my life as an ambitious overachiever and perfectionist.
It all changed when I started working with Lisa Carpenter.
There are many incredible shifts through working with Lisa, but the BIGGEST one is how my inner voice changed.
Now, after I wake up, before I go to sleep, all through the day, even through challenging events, my subconscious says the nicest darn things to me.
My self-talk went from loathing to love.
This morning I woke up hearing “I love myself so much, my body is amazing, it’s healing and I’m so grateful for it.”
Perhaps this shift seems inconsequential to some of you.
But how I talk to myself has the most stupendous power over my life, business included.
It is no surprise that I have been working way less, having more impact and bringing in more revenue than ever because I know how to take care of myself.
I learnt from Lisa that when I’m in well-being, everything sorts itself out.
I went from an ambitious people-pleasing perfectionist to an ambitious woman who loves herself unconditionally, cares for her body, shows up everywhere standing strong in her personal power.
Anyways, this isn’t an ad. I’m just showing my gratitude to this woman. I just love her so much.”
~ Trupti Karjinni

“In a single session she basically rocked my world (and I don’t say that lightly).
She is wildly intuitive, crazy generous with her time, and was able to zoom in on what was REALLY holding me back (which was not what I thought was the issue).
Bottom line?
Sometimes we’re blind to our own blocks and limiting beliefs. Working with Lisa is like putting on glasses.
Since that first session she has continued to blow me away with her insight (the kind that pieces right through the bullshit stories you’ve been telling yourself) and be a powerful stand for me stepping into my full power.
Deep gratitude for this woman.”
~ Rebecca Ives Rubin

“Before working with Lisa I felt worried, rushed, like in a hamster wheel. Now I feel more ease, much more relaxed and less stressed. And I am making more money as she challenged me to do less better. I am learning to walk the thin line between commitment and compulsion.
I absolutely love working with Lisa because she helps me to get out of my own way and live the life I see for myself. She helps me to staying committed to my well-being and making self-love my priority each and every day. She makes me aware of my blind spots and creates this container where I can stay in integrity with my values.“
~ Nicole Wehn

“Before working with Lisa I felt worried, rushed, like in a hamster wheel. Now I feel more ease, much more relaxed and less stressed. And I am making more money as she challenged me to do less better. I am learning to walk the thin line between commitment and compulsion.
I absolutely love working with Lisa because she helps me to get out of my own way and live the life I see for myself. She helps me to staying committed to my well-being and making self-love my priority each and every day. She makes me aware of my blind spots and creates this container where I can stay in integrity with my values.“
~ Bel Smith

“Mindset used to be a dirty word for us. We’d run our business has run on determination, friendship, and caffeine for years, but little did we realize we were developing harmful habits.
And then we started working with Lisa Carpenter. She has an uncanny ability to tell when something’s off, and she asks probing questions in a way that stretch you, all while making you feel safe.
We’ve been challenged like no other while working with Lisa, but in all the best ways. We now have a much more sustainable approach to our business and a much healthier approach to our personal lives and friendship… and that means we can keep doing what we love for much longer!“
~ Jessi Honard + Marie Parks

“Before working with you, I was trying to control everything and holding my happiness hostage dependent on the outcomes. After our second session, my partner noticed a huge difference in me. By the 4th session, who I used to be felt foreign to me. I let go of trying to control, I found happiness despite the outcomes in my life not being what I wanted them to be, and then I actually started to get the outcomes I wanted. I ended up making one of the scariest leaps of my life when I ended that relationship, and i got to feel more peaceful about it than I could have imagined. Lisa, I don’t have the words to express my gratitude for how good it feels to have a newfound trust that my life is going to work out, and permission to do the things that feel good to me. I write this with tears in my eyes, because the woman I am now is so much better off than the woman I was at the beginning of this year.”
~ Rebecca Jacobs

“Before I started working with Lisa I felt overwhelmed, heavy, unworthy and not being enough or good enough. After I started working with Lisa my life became easier and beautiful, as I have experienced how much abundance is in my life and so many opportunities to level up and evolve further. I have started to discover myself, see my potential and what is possible for me when I go deeper and unfold what serves me and what does not.
My biggest take away from Lisa’s coaching is that I can finally say goodbye to one of my self limiting beliefs of not being enough. Thank you, Lisa!”
~ Sorina Seitz

“Dearest Lisa, I can’t thank you enough for our time together last night.
Thank you for your complete presence, understanding, insight and HUGE help.
For the first time in weeks I slept all through the night last night, it was like I could finally be at peace. I have woken up this morning and written over 3000 words straight up and I know there is more to follow!
Thank you for showing me how hard I’ve been on me and how I can make life easier for me, how to love me and what I truly need to be doing! I am nervous but excited! You did what I couldn’t do for myself and for that your fee was TINY compared to the PRICELESS value and impact it will have on my life. You are right, I will look back on our conversation and know it was and is my turning point. The Universe’s timing is perfect and the fact you had just bought a batch of new underwear and understand the value of underwear meant SO much too and again, I think was no accident!! When you need to just replace your undies, I call that new influx ‘Booster Underwear’ – I love you so get it Lisa, you know when it needs to happen and you feel SO much better when you have it! It can make a big difference 👙😊 The trouble is, most women don’t love themselves enough to do that. That’s where my Project comes in.
I cannot wait to talk to you again, but for now, I am going to be brave enough to truly love myself, get rid of the old in my home, move house, finalise my divorce, sign up to no more courses (!!), finally, trust me and finally gain enough Courage Currency from this quarter to finally, finally reward myself with La Perla undies! (La Perla underwear is significant to my story – you will find out why later)
Thank you deeply for truly listening, for truly helping me see who I am and for welcoming and honouring my ‘Fancy Pants Project’ idea, taking it seriously, not calling me crazy and helping me to remove the ’shoulds’ from my life. In one hour you were able to help me see things as I needed to see them and unhook me from my bad stories – something no one or me has ever been able to do.
I know my life changed last night (in an easy, gentle and loving way) and I can’t thank you enough. I am deeply, deeply grateful. Thank you❤️❤️❤️
I look forward to listening to the recording of our time together when it comes through. I want to get all the gold from the call and let it all sink in.
I feel I am now aligning with my true north – after years of searching and just not seeing it (right in front of me!!🤣) , this is AMAZING!! The relief is immense.
Thank you again for your understanding, kindness, honesty and insight. You are BRILLIANT!! I would love to invite you to my Fancy Pants Podcast one day!
With much love and HUGE gratitude. Please know you are beyond BRILLIANT and totally changing lives❤️!
Have a wonderful day! Here’s to being courageous and extreme self-love!”
~ Julia Myles

“When I first booked my session with Lisa I had no idea what to expect or what I wanted to address on my call. She not only helped me to shift my mindset around certain roadblocks in my business that I didn’t know I had, but she empowered me to make small changes that had a big impact. She is one of the most insightful and genuine people I have ever met. The two sessions I had with her were powerful. She was able to challenge me and foster self-discovery in a way that I didn’t think was possible. I highly recommend Lisa and I am grateful for honesty and generosity during our time together.”
~ Addi Ganley

“Just this week, Lisa said to me, “Tara, imagine if you held yourself and saw yourself through the same lens that these other coaches see you. Would getting clients be easy? Yup. Would sales be easy? Yup. We have to heal our money stories, but we also have to heal our self worth stories.”
This is what coaching with Lisa is like.
Sometimes it’s the gentlest, sweetest love. Sometimes it’s tough love. But she always coaches me with a love for who I am, and what I am capable of.
No wonder I’ll have my best year ever in my biz. And I’m keeping sanity and connection in my marriage. And, I’m also staying fit and healthy.
This is my definition of success, and although it’s not easy, it’s so much easier with Lisa’s support.”
~ Tara Leduc

“Lisa has guided me to a place where I can confidently say I am not the woman I was before.
She’s led me on a path of discovery and triumph through beliefs, emotions and assumptions about myself, my relationships and my business.
From giving me specific ways to deal with my perfectionism, to helping unravel years of emotional baggage, to helping me show up as the best version of myself in all areas of my life – Lisa has done it all in a loving, no nonsense way I absolutely adore.
She’s seriously been the best thing to happen to me in the last year and I cannot recommend her enough to anyone wanting to make big shifts in their lives.”
~ Gabrielle Chipeur

“After five months of working with Lisa Carpenter, my life is forever changed. Seriously, this is not an exaggeration, Lisa is outstanding at what she does.
When I started my business I thought that if I just had all the right strategies, and followed all of the right steps, I’d be wildly successful. It didn’t work. I tried “harder”, I drove myself forward by beating myself up. That didn’t work either. Sure, I had some small successes in my business, but none of it was really making me happy. My life wasn’t where I wanted it to be, I wasn’t in the kind of relationship I wanted to be in, and I was settling for less than I wanted in my life.
With Lisa I’ve learned to be kinder and gentler with myself, to ease up on the wild self judgement, to sit with the discomfort or the frustration, and to truly accept things as they are in the moment, because that is the only way to move anything forward. It’s definitely not been an easy ride, but Lisa has been there with me at every major fork in the road. Not to tell me what to do, but to help me connect with my own guidance and make the choices that are aligned with my true purpose in the world.
Loving myself, and being as kind to myself as I aim to be with everyone else, has truly been the greatest and most impactful evolution in my life and business.
Thank you Lisa, for helping me become more of the woman I always dreamed of being.”
~ Alexis Dean

“I just want to pause and take a moment today to give a shout out to Lisa Carpenter.
Lisa’s been coaching me for a while now. First letting me reach out to her when I needed support at no charge (she’s super generous like that and I think she maybe saw something in me that she wanted to nurture) and then later in a more formal coaching relationship.
She’s been my mentor and my cheerleader but, more than anything else, she’s helped me see what I couldn’t see.
She’s helped me see huge wins when I was feeling discouraged. She’s shown me that it doesn’t need to be nearly as hard as I often make it. And she’s given me permission to sometimes just throw out the “rules” and create EXACTLY what feels right for me.
Thanks to her showing me what’s possible, in June I created a new program in about a day (my dream program), launched it that week with no sales page, funnel or launch email sequence – just a single webinar – and signed up 6 people on the spot for a total of $8760. Not too shabby, right? Thank you Lisa for caring so damn much.”
~ Sara Best

“Lisa Carpenter cheering squad here. I know many of you know Lisa as an awesome and established health coach with a thriving practice & following. You also may know as an authentic and open person who shows her raw and real self regardless of the fact that that is not an easy place to be, especially publicly. But what you may not know is that Lisa is a FUCKING GENIUS wing woman for people/coaches who need to get out of their own way and climb back into themselves in order to move forward. I’m here to tell you all.
Lisa gave me permission to STOP running on my hamster wheel of inaction and overwhelm to see that leaning in and truly listening to myself and my self care is the ONLY way I will manifest my new life, build my dream business and move my ass out of a rut. Even if that means coloring in my coloring book when I think I am supposed to be “doing” something else. My inspired action will and does come when I stop pushing and trying and when I remember to JUST BE. Quite ironic that I coach others in lighting up their souls and re-sparking their creativity and passion for life when I have avoided stopping and doing the same thing for myself. Hmm funny how that goes, ay? As she shifts gears, or rather, expands her incredible reach to more of us who she can impact and help massively in all areas of life, I feel it would be unfair of me not to shine that light on her while she adjusts the sails to a wider ocean. Thank you so much beautiful lady- you are a star.”
~ Shari Teigman

“Lisa Carpenter cheering squad here. I know many of you know Lisa as an awesome and established health coach with a thriving practice & following. You also may know as an authentic and open person who shows her raw and real self regardless of the fact that that is not an easy place to be, especially publicly. But what you may not know is that Lisa is a FUCKING GENIUS wing woman for people/coaches who need to get out of their own way and climb back into themselves in order to move forward. I’m here to tell you all.
Lisa gave me permission to STOP running on my hamster wheel of inaction and overwhelm to see that leaning in and truly listening to myself and my self care is the ONLY way I will manifest my new life, build my dream business and move my ass out of a rut. Even if that means coloring in my coloring book when I think I am supposed to be “doing” something else. My inspired action will and does come when I stop pushing and trying and when I remember to JUST BE. Quite ironic that I coach others in lighting up their souls and re-sparking their creativity and passion for life when I have avoided stopping and doing the same thing for myself. Hmm funny how that goes, ay? As she shifts gears, or rather, expands her incredible reach to more of us who she can impact and help massively in all areas of life, I feel it would be unfair of me not to shine that light on her while she adjusts the sails to a wider ocean. Thank you so much beautiful lady- you are a star.”
~ Hattie Brazeley

“Saying thank you in private isn’t enough.
I need to say a HUGE thank you to Lisa Carpenter.
You know when you KNOW something, yet you’ve put your fingers in your ears singing (very) loudly…
MIGHT have been me not listening to my own needs. Lisa’s very lovingly taken my fingers out of my ears & calmed down that noisy non listening (can’t sing too well) voice and I’m finally REALLY listening to what I need.”
~ Ruth Ridgeway

“I worked with Lisa for over 18 months, and what I can say is that this was one of the most profoundly beautiful and immensely perfect friendships I’ve ever had with anyone. I went through SO much during our time together – shifts in my business, relationship problems, people challenging my sovereignty, spiritual awakening, parenting challenges, and issues with anxiety and depression…. Lisa held space for me through it all, while gently and sometimes blatantly calling me on my perceived limitations. She often reminded me of how limitless I am, and yet how human I am. It was with her that I finally overcame some of my greatest long-held stories and beliefs that did not serve me to hang onto. She supported me in such a way, that I became a better mom, wife, coach for my own clients, and honestly… a better woman because of her! You can talk to her about anything, and receive zero judgment from her, and rest assured, she will definitely have you pushing outside of your comfort zone… but she’s going there with you. If you’re feeling drawn to Lisa, there’s a really good reason. Don’t be afraid of going to the spiritual depths you are called to go to with her; she’s going to be your angel waiting in the wings there to support you the whole way. LOVE YOU LISA!”
~ Allie Horner

“Just had a conversation with Lisa Carpenter, it was quite amazing! She helped me look at things that I have buried very, very deep which for someone like me who prides themselves on being in touch with my feelings & being very much involved in therapy for years this was a wake up call, during my conversation it became clear to me how these things are getting in the way of my personal growth. I had no idea going into this call what to expect but all I can say is she is an amazing coach and I look forward to working with her again! Thanks so much Lisa XO.”
~ Alison Sherwood

“Lisa helped me navigate the emotional messiness of being a new mama and business owner. She has a gift of articulating what’s really going on below the surface, and showed me how to let go of my perfectionism. She helped me to create better boundaries, raise my prices, and trust my instincts — all so I can enjoy more of my life and business.”
~ Shi Chen

“I worked with Lisa through two major transitions in my business, and I’m not sure what I would have done without her support. Lisa is a kind and attentive guide to the deepest parts of yourself. She helped to break down the real issues I was holding onto and open up to better things. I was able to completely shift my business model and do so with confidence, peace and more success than I thought possible“
~ Kate Boyd

“With Lisa, I can fully express what is going on in my life. Tears, fits, excess drama you name it, she holds a judgement free zone!! Lisa draws out the underbelly of all the emotions and encourages me to make decisions that help me become a powerful ally to myself. She has taught me to forgive myself and she’s reminded me over and over again about how far I have come {we’ve known each other quite awhile}. I was a shove it under the rug kinda gal who said ‘forward’ and didn’t stop to soak in the greatness of any accomplishment or just being. Lisa has given me the permission to be human, to be messy, to explore options. The reason this is so huge for me is that I never gave myself permission and now I am! Thank you lovely Lisa for uplifting me, helping me see more clearly when I couldn’t see my own greatness.”
~ Karen Davidson

“I realized so much in our time together and it has changed me forever. I realized I had set the bar RIDICULOUSLY high for myself and my current circumstances and that so much self-loathing was coming from it, then that negative energy just kept setting me back further and further from where I wanted to be personally and in my business.
Also, our businesses are extensions of ourselves in so many ways. My own negative talk about my body and what it looks like is actually working AGAINST my business goals. I had never before made the connection between my body and my business.
After these revelations, there were practical and totally doable ways to put a new story into practice in my daily life. She helped me change things without adding more to be to-do list.
Ya’ll, my time with Lisa was such a blessing in so many ways and I’m thankful to be a part of this group!”
~ Kirsty Brisco

~ Jenn Kerr

“If you are reading this testimonial – take this as a sign to join Lisa’s Weight Loss from Within program or connect with her 1-on-1.
I cannot emphasize how much I needed this program, and Lisa, in my life. The resources and the safe, supportive space she provides for women, both in the group setting and privately, is nothing short of amazing. When I was first introduced to Lisa’s program, I had this gut feeling that joining was the next step of my journey. I knew I needed to work on my self-worth and self-love – I knew there was more to what I was struggling with than just my body weight, but I had only ever just scratched the surface of what was going on leading up to that point.
From the moment I joined Weight Loss from Within, I could clearly see how Lisa put her whole heart, soul and years of experience into her program. Each day, Lisa guides women to explore the depths of what they’re really struggling with, and provides the tools and support to help women start writing a new story, to start honoring and loving themselves. While some days can feel emotionally overwhelming, the insights and breakthroughs that come from the specific topics presented will transform you and your life – you cannot unlearn the wisdom and knowledge that comes from this program.
Being fortunate to have been gifted a 1-on-1 session with Lisa, I also cannot speak highly enough of meeting with her privately. Simply said – Lisa truly has a gift. While I was initially unsure of what I would talk to her about when we met, our conversation naturally flowed from the start and quickly revealed lingering issues that needed to be addressed. It was like talking with a trusted friend who will lovingly call you out on your crap, but also help you navigate through what’s really going on. Lisa was able to tune into really deep-rooted beliefs that even I hadn’t realized or acknowledged. My session with Lisa was life-changing and it was only a span of 1 hour. Needless to say, I would encourage anyone and everyone to set time up with Lisa.”
~ Maggie DeWees

“I’ll start by saying I highly recommend Lisa. At the time of writing this, I’ve been working with Lisa for about a year. Keep in mind, I’m not the kind of guy who would seek out help to work through issues that are blocking my personal growth. We had connected on a business retreat, and I knew I needed to work with her after our first conversation. She has the gift of being able to lead you to the real issues that you’ve been avoiding for a long time. I have never thought of a topic or specific issue before our calls, I just let it happen naturally and she guides me to where I need to go. It isn’t comfortable work by any means, but getting uncomfortable is often the only way to truly grow. Lisa has made a huge impact on the path I’m walking down in life, on both a personal and business level. If you feel that something is off in your life and can’t put your finger on it, then you need to work with Lisa. “
~ Tyler Brannon

“I’ll start by saying I highly recommend Lisa. At the time of writing this, I’ve been working with Lisa for about a year. Keep in mind, I’m not the kind of guy who would seek out help to work through issues that are blocking my personal growth. We had connected on a business retreat, and I knew I needed to work with her after our first conversation. She has the gift of being able to lead you to the real issues that you’ve been avoiding for a long time. I have never thought of a topic or specific issue before our calls, I just let it happen naturally and she guides me to where I need to go. It isn’t comfortable work by any means, but getting uncomfortable is often the only way to truly grow. Lisa has made a huge impact on the path I’m walking down in life, on both a personal and business level. If you feel that something is off in your life and can’t put your finger on it, then you need to work with Lisa. “
~ Lindsay Fisher

“Lisa is a revelation. Insightful, intuitive and astute with an an uncanny ability to hear what you’re not saying and interpret what you are. An extraordinary skillset that taps into your wavelength and finds perspective and context to help you make sense of it all – whatever that may be, business or life. I count myself extremely fortunate to have had the opportunity to meet and work with Lisa – undoubtedly one of my most highly valued friends in business and life.”