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When it comes to investing in our homes, businesses, families and selves, most people either fall into either the “Just in Time” or “Just in Case” categories.  Last minute, “Just in Time” investments of any kind (time, money, etc), can be very efficient, and create a streamlined system that is free of clutter and over-expenditures. But they can also bring stress and anxiety when there is a bump in the road that so often happens…  As simple as not having enough toilet paper, or a key player on your team getting sick just before a big launch…

On the flip side, “Just in Case” proponents are seemingly always prepared, which can lead to less stress, until the excesses become stresses of their own.  Wastefullness, excess clutter and debt can all come out of over-zealous “Just in case” behaviours.  

Join our “All the Stuff” gals Lisa Sharp, Empowerment Coach and Clutter Expert, Jen Turrell, Financial Personal Trainer for Women, along with Lisa Carpenter, Transformational Life and Nutrition Coach as they discuss  and their own self-admitted tendencies and how they achieve a balance between the two.

Remember, be sure to check out the “All the Stuff” Facebook group where you can continue the conversation with our resident experts and other like minded people at:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/allthestuffpodcast.  

You will find below the links to their respective signature programs:  Lisa Carpenter’s Program E.A.T!, Lisa Sharp’s The Blueprint Group Program, and Jen Turrell’s Money Matters Mastermind, as well as to their respective websites.  






Lisa Carpenter’s E.A.T.! Program – www.lisacarpenter.ca/eat

Lisa Sharp’s The Blueprint Group Program:  http://clearcalmspace.com/blueprint/

Jen Turrell’s Money Matters Mastermind Program:  http://jenturrell.com/money-matters-mastermind/


The Happiness Project – Gretchen Reuben  http://gretchenrubin.com/books/the-happiness-project/about-the-book/


Jen Turrell’s podcast Financial Fluency:  http://jenturrell.podbean.com/



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