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On this bittersweet episode, the All the Stuff gals Jen Turrell, Financial Personal Trainer for Women, Lisa Carpenter, Transformational Life and Nutrition Coach, and Lisa Sharp, Empowerment Coach and Clutter Expert, say Farewell, and share their takeaways from hosting this podcast.

Lisa Carpenter begins by sharing her story regarding debt, and how, over the run of this podcast, she has been able to come to terms with it, do the work to get herself out of debt, and most importantly, into a new mindset.

Jen also shares her big changes, including a rebrand of her podcast Financial Fluency, and her desire to talk about a lot more topics than just finances.  She plans on focussing a lot more on her writing as well.

On her side, Lisa Sharp summarizes that the issues we have in life are because we think we are the only ones.  Being isolated and thinking it is just you, is so painful and so not necessary.  Sharing our feelings with honest conversation is one of the biggest gifts we can give each other.   Taking inspired action is great, and when it is time to let go, it is time…

Thank you to all the listeners who took part in the journey that is “All The Stufff”.  Past episodes will be available on iTunes and on the YouTube Channel.

All listeners are invited to contact the ladies using the links below, to share and connect!

Lisa Carpenter

Email:  Lisa@lisacarpenter.ca

Website:  Lisa Carpenter

Lisa’s E.A.T.! Program: E.A.T!

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/lisacarpenterinc/

Jen Turrell

Email:  Jen@jenturrell.com

Website:  Jen Turrell

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/jen.turrell

Facebook Group:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/financialfluency/

Financial Fluency Podcast:  https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/financial-fluency-speaking-the-language-of-money/id1060546721?mt=2

Lisa Sharp

Email:  Lisa@clearcalmspace.com

Website:  http://clearcalmspace.com

Lisa’s Blueprint Group Program:  http://clearcalmspace.com/blueprint/

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/ClearCalmSpace/

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