Raw Beauty Talks

I want to share a very personal experience with you…

Contrary to popular belief, I don’t have it all together and I am SO grateful that I have the opportunity to share this interview with you.  So many of my clients struggle with self love which is masked as an inability to lose weight.  We all carry stories, most of which aren’t true, about who we are, who we think we “should” be and expectations we put on ourselves.

This isn’t the first time I have posted about Raw Beauty Talks because it was such a moving experience for me.  I completed their questionnaire from my heart, didn’t hold back and then sent it off not knowing when or if it would be used or edited.

This past week my profile was launched and appeared on my facebook feed unexpectedly.

My own words took me out and I found myself in tears.

To be open and vulnerable to those of you who are part of my community is one thing… to be seen so exposed in the world was totally another.

I believe my message is important one and was worth me being so honest.

I hope you are left feeling inspired to celebrate all the amazing things at your most RAW level that make you YOU.
You can find the full article HERE.

Colbie Caillat “Try”.  Pretty cool that some footage of my shoot was used in this video.  On the days I am fighting fear and insecurity about being seen and heard in this big cyber world this song strengthens my inner voice.

~ Lisa xo


Confidence, Inspiration, Raw Beauty Talks, Self Love, Self Worth

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