In today’s bonus episode of the podcast I am talking to Katie Soy who is not just a colleague and good friend, but also a story coach, writer and author.  I want you to know her and why her work is important to you and the children in your life.

In this conversation we dive into what it was like to grow up feeling like we were different, why our emotions were so big and what happened when we learned to stuff everything we were feeling down.  In this episode, we speak to the journey of creating emotional fluency in ourselves and what it looks like to support our children as they try to decipher what they are feeling before they have the language of emotions.

Today Katie is launching her second audiobook in the series about Gem an adopted Firefly and her adventures with her friends.

I invite you to explore both titles at

The Firefly and the Storm and her newest book The Firefly and the Butterfly by visiting her website at

She has also just announced the launch of her Firefly Society that will support parents, grandparents, caregivers, teachers etc with additional resources to promote emotional well-being in our children along with self-love, self acceptance and deeper knowledge and understanding of what makes each of us unique.  It’s safe to feel big feelings and inside The Firefly Society her community will surround you with others who are committed to welcoming the voices of their children fully expressed.


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