I’m so excited to bring you episode 274 from the charming streets of San Sebastian, Spain. After an amazing adventure in Morocco, I’ve been soaking in the beauty and lessons from my travels. It’s all been a part of what I call my year of redemption—a time for deep healing, soul-searching, and discovering new perspectives.

Join me as I share my journey experimenting with a nomadic lifestyle and the unique challenges of working on the go. Amidst all the travel, I had a heartwarming moment of gratitude while walking the Camino de Santiago, achieving dreams I once thought were out of reach. It’s a beautiful metaphor for our paths in life and the decisions we make along the way.

In this episode, I reflect on the trust and faith required to face life’s storms, and how crucial it is to understand that everyone’s journey is uniquely their own. We’ll dive into stories of embracing life’s inevitable contrasts instead of avoiding the storm, learning to see the lessons in our most uncomfortable feelings, and the power of surrounding ourselves with supportive people who won’t shy away from walking through the storm with us.

One memory that stands out is a rainy walk where I struggled to stay dry while another person joyfully splashed through puddles. It was a beautiful reminder to let others experience their journey in their own way.

As I navigate the language and cultural differences, I’ve felt a deep respect for those who face these barriers daily. It’s taught me so much about human connection and the importance it holds for thriving in any environment.

And here’s something I’m really excited about—I’m inviting you to join me for an intimate retreat in Whistler! Imagine deep connection, growth, and transformation with like-minded individuals, all in a beautifully curated setting. We’ve got delightful activities planned, a private chef to nourish us, and plenty of one-on-one time together. Dates and details are shared in the episode, and there’s just one spot left. If this resonates with you, let’s have a chat!

Lastly, I’m eager to share more insights from my travels and would love to hear your thoughts. Your feedback means the world to me.

If you’re considering one-on-one coaching or want to join our Whistler retreat, follow the link below to schedule a call and explore your options. https://lisacarpenter.ca/wwm/

And please give me a follow on Instagram so you can catch my travels and adventures. https://www.instagram.com/lisacarpenterinc/


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