In episode 300 of the Full Frontal Living podcast, Lisa takes you on a journey of self-reflection, transformation, and the profound impact of the choices we make. Recorded from her car on a rainy Vancouver afternoon, Lisa shares her thoughts on the importance of personal decisions, the fear of letting others down, and the power that lies in choosing the life we want.

Key Highlights:

  • The Mexico Experience: Lisa opens up about her recent trip to Tulum, Mexico, a place deeply connected to her growth, both personally and professionally. It’s a space where transformation happens, and each visit has helped her realign with her purpose.
  • The Power of Decisions: Reflecting on advice from her first business coach in 2019, Lisa shares how realizing the importance of owning her decisions changed everything. She talks about how we all have the power to choose and create our path.
  • A Turning Point: Lisa discusses a pivotal moment during her 2019 trip to Tulum, where she decided to release past disappointments, embrace a fresh start, and choose a new direction in her life.
  • Rebirth and Renewal: Lisa recounts her experience in a Temazcal (sweat lodge) ceremony that served as a rebirth, helping her let go of old burdens and step into her mission with renewed energy.
  • Lessons from the Ocean: The ocean’s energy in Tulum deeply resonates with Lisa, and she shares how it symbolizes surrender and acceptance. It’s a reminder that sometimes, we need to let go to make space for new growth.
  • Integration and Reflection: After transformative experiences, Lisa emphasizes the importance of integrating those lessons and giving yourself the space to reflect. It’s not about rushing back into productivity, but rather honoring the change within.
  • The Impact on Coaching: Lisa discusses how her personal growth directly enhances her coaching work, helping clients move beyond their own limiting stories and create new paths for themselves.
  • Upcoming Workshop and Membership: Lisa invites listeners to join her upcoming workshop on healing female friendship wounds and explore her new membership program, Reclamation, which is designed to support those on their personal development journey.

Lisa encourages you to understand the power of your choices. By embracing transformation, letting go of old stories, and aligning with your true purpose, you can unlock profound personal growth and fulfillment. You have the ability to choose a life that resonates with your highest self.

Remember, the power of choice is always in your hands. Take time to reflect, reset, and realign with your true path this week.



00:00:00:00 - 00:00:27:12
Welcome to the Full Frontal Living Podcast. I'm Lisa Carpenter, master life Coach, two driven, ambitious humans who want more out of life without having to sacrifice themselves to achieve it. I'll share how it's possible to slow down, take better care of yourself, find more peace and ease, pressure to sustainable energy, stop procrastination and overwhelm and fall in love with your life, your business, and your body.

00:00:27:14 - 00:00:45:20
This podcast is for you. If you're ready to learn what it takes to thrive as a high performer, do less but achieve more. Make you and your well-being a top priority and create your extraordinaire free life. I'm so glad you're here.

00:00:45:20 - 00:01:17:20
Well, hey, hey. And thanks for tuning in to another episode of the Full Frontal Living Podcast. And I'm doing something that I haven't done in ages. I'm actually sitting in my car on a very rainy Sunday afternoon in Vancouver watching my kid run around and play soccer, having the time of his life. And I thought I would take this opportunity to record a podcast episode, because if you're a regular listener of the show, you've probably noticed that we did not put out an episode last week.

00:01:17:24 - 00:01:39:22
And that was because I didn't have any capacity to put out an episode last week. If I'm being completely honest and that's a little bit about what I wanted to talk about on today's episode is the bar or the standards that so many of you hold yourselves to, because perhaps you're worried about letting other people down or looking bad.

00:01:39:24 - 00:02:02:14
So let's talk about it a little bit, and I'm going to share from my perspective, and I'm also going to be sharing some takeaways from my time in Mexico because it was a very profound experience, which is what led to me having very little capacity last week to do many of the things that I wanted to do. So Mexico is unbelievable.

00:02:02:14 - 00:02:28:14
Tulum is a place that absolutely just has my heart and soul. When I get there, I feel like I just come alive. Now, I know there's many places in the world I have yet to discover, but to loom has always played a pivotal role in my growth. It was one of the first big kind of ahas or wake up calls back in 2019 when I went there with my very first business coach.

00:02:28:16 - 00:02:46:07
And, you know, as we were driving up to Bloom, she, you know, I was like, oh, my God, thank you so much for this opportunity to be here. And I'll never forget she looked at me and she said, I didn't give this to you. You made the decision to sign up to be part of this group, this mastermind.

00:02:46:09 - 00:03:18:13
And you're here because of your decision and your investment to be here. Lisa, I did not give this to you. And it really took my breath away because it made me realize like I was not really seeing the decisions that I was making in my life that were moving the needle forward. I was kind of always deferring it to other people versus really seeing and acknowledging like, Oh, I did this for me, like this was because of my decision, the money that I invested, the time that I invested.

00:03:18:15 - 00:03:45:22
So it was a really powerful moment. Back in 2019, we stayed at a beautiful resort that I still love there, and it was at a time in my business where I was really struggling and was just so over all of it. Like everything marketing, coaching, you name it. I was at a place where I was just so frustrated because it felt like everything I was trying was not getting me the results that I wanted.

00:03:45:22 - 00:04:08:06
And at that time I was so attached to specific outcomes and if I didn't achieve that outcome, I was horribly disappointed. So I felt like I'd been spending years of my career, like pushing a boulder up the hill for the boulder to just roll back down the hill and roll over me. So when I was there in 2019, I remember the story makes me laugh now.

00:04:08:07 - 00:04:33:02
We were sitting on one of the beautiful beach beds and she's like, okay, I want everybody to come around. We're going to do some visiting, visioning and goal casting. And I was like, Peace out. I'm going in the water. Like, I'm done with setting goals. I'm done with vision. Because I had had my heart broken so many times, it was so painful for me to even think about the future or to set goals because I just thought, why bother?

00:04:33:08 - 00:05:08:09
They're not going to come true anyways. And that was the frame I was working from. I was also struggling in my relationship at the time. My partner was, you know, in one of his downward spiral places and I just remember walking out in the ocean still was like, if you can picture this, I still feel it in my body when I tell the story, tears streaming down my face and just asking the ocean to just like to take it from me that I was ready to fully surrender, that I was ready to go to that next level.

00:05:08:09 - 00:05:26:16
That I was ready to let it all go and begin again. And that's what I did. And I went and met my family in Playa after for a week long vacation, I sat down with my partner and I basically told him, like, if you don't get your shit together, I'm out. Like, I'm done. I'm not going to put up with your garbage.

00:05:26:18 - 00:05:49:06
I am here on a mission and I am going to, you know, create this vision that I want for myself. So because I was so anti visioning at the time when I spoke to my coach, we laid out outcomes that I could absolutely be responsible for. We were I worked on things within the business like setting up systems and structures that would support new clients coming into my business.

00:05:49:06 - 00:06:16:14
So we did a lot of the back end stuff where I absolutely could feel proud that I, you know, tick the boxes and got the outcome I wanted. Right. A beautiful onboarding system. So these were the things that I focused on to get my mind off of focusing on clients and how I was going to get clients. I also came back and signed on with my fitness coach and made the decision that I was going to start competing because I had poured so many hours into my business.

00:06:16:14 - 00:06:35:04
I was so beyond done that it was time to just say, I want to do something that is for me, that has nothing to do with my business, that is going to help me focus my time and my energy. And that was a really profound decision as well, because, you know, the gym is such a familiar place to me.

00:06:35:04 - 00:06:53:21
Working hard in the gym is familiar that the discipline and the commitment that it took that I have to sink into when I'm wanting to go on stage and create a specific outcome. It really like I would be in the gym thinking like, why am I not doing this same thing in my business? Why am I thinking these two things are different?

00:06:53:23 - 00:07:14:00
So that's really what started to turn things around in my business. I set my focus and attention on what it was I wanted, and then I got to work doing the things that I could do to support the outcome I wanted. But I wasn't death gripping anymore. I was just like, I'm going to tick the boxes and I'm going to trust the outcome will take care of itself.

00:07:14:02 - 00:07:35:15
And it did. 20, 20, 2021. This is when my business completely skyrocketed. Did. And all of these things began to manifest for me because I started to get into alignment and I had released into Liam the things that I wanted to leave behind. And that's why that place holds so much. Like, I just have so much reverence for Tilikum.

00:07:35:15 - 00:07:56:15
It is just such a beautiful, spiritual, energetic vortex. It is a really special place on this planet. So any time I go back there, I feel like I'm just connecting in with the elements again. And it always is a profound experience in this time. You know, when I went out into the ocean, it's quite wavy there, but the water is warm and beautiful.

00:07:56:20 - 00:08:23:06
It was almost like this, like over friendly, overenthusiastic golden retriever was like running out to meet me. The waves just kind of, you know, pick me up and thrash me around and, you know, tears again because it just any time I walk in the water there, I just feel so held and so supportive and so a part of nature, the universe, whatever you want to call it.

00:08:23:09 - 00:08:47:18
So this year I was really going back after, you know, two of the most challenging years of my entire life, which is saying a lot because I've had many, many, many things happen in my life that have propelled me forward that have been challenging. But these past two years have been really hard. And if you've been watching from the outside, you would have seen me traveling the world.

00:08:47:18 - 00:09:13:17
And it looks like everything is just like, Wow, what an exciting year. And it was 2024 was a really exciting year, but it was really holding that space of both and it was amazing to travel the globe and every single trip I took, every single day I was working through and working on releasing the things that had happened in my world, the pain that I was feeling, the disillusionment.

00:09:13:19 - 00:09:51:13
There's a whole there's a whole host of emotions that I was working on releasing because I did not want that story to trap me for all the days of my life. So to go back to to loom, I was going back there with the intent of knowing it was time to really take responsibility and close the loop. And part of what that means is and I talked about this, if you go back and listen to one of my episodes that I did post my Camino in Spain, I told the story about the rock that I carried around and the rock represented my pain, and I knew that I didn't want to come home with this

00:09:51:13 - 00:10:08:08
rock. So eventually I got to the point of throwing the rock in the water and I talk about how letting go when you get to that place of being able to let go. It's I don't want to say the easy part because it does take some time, like I believe everybody gets to the place of letting go when they're ready to let go.

00:10:08:09 - 00:10:38:18
It starts with the desire to want to let go, but it's what's on the other side of letting go, because on the other side of letting go is truly a commitment to no longer holding your attention on that story and being incredibly responsible for managing your thoughts and emotions. Which for me means like when a thought comes up that is not going to serve me or a memory pops up that is going to take me down a path that is not going to be healthy for me.

00:10:38:20 - 00:10:58:24
It is my responsibility to say, I'm not doing this like I'm going to dismiss this thought. I'm not going to pull the thread of this emotion because I do not want to go back into this place within myself. And that, as I just said, takes a tremendous amount of commitment and responsibility because as humans we're like, Ooh, ooh, I want to touch that again.

00:10:59:01 - 00:11:26:19
And it's like, How many times do you need to touch the hot stove to know If you touch the hot stove, it's going to burn you. So when we're dealing with things that have happened in our lives, in the stories that we've created about that and the emotions that come out of that, there comes a point in time if you want to let it go, you got to stop touching the hot stove because you will be the one that continuously causes you pain because you are now attached to the stories, the emotions, the thoughts, the beliefs, everything that goes along with this.

00:11:26:21 - 00:11:50:16
So in going to Zulum, there were some behaviors that I had started to get into that were not serving me. Not ashamed to say it. I am very much human, just like you and I had had a conversation with a dear friend who had shared a story with me about something that had happened in her life that she had made the decision that this person was no longer going to be in her life and that she had to kind of cut the cords around that.

00:11:50:18 - 00:12:15:00
But what she realized is some of her actions were inviting that person's energy back into her life. And this is what I realized for myself. I was there were things that I was still holding on to. I wasn't looking at them, but I was holding on to them. They were there. There were things that I was looking at that we're not serving me that were pulling me back into a negative place.

00:12:15:02 - 00:12:39:12
So even though I had let go of so much, there were still these energetic threads that I was still very much holding on to. And I realized that when I went to to loom, I wanted to be done. I wanted to be done. And not just saying. I wanted to be done, but I truly wanted to know in my soul that I was going to be done.

00:12:39:14 - 00:13:03:00
So when I got to to loom, you know, I had the opportunity to experience many different ceremonies. And one of them, which I mentioned in one of my previous episodes, was a Tammy's Gal, which is a sweat lodge. And the whole idea of a sweat lodge is you go in there and we I was in there with with ten other women and you, you come out the other side rebirthed.

00:13:03:02 - 00:13:24:00
That is the whole purpose. And you're doing a ceremony to each of the four directions the shaman brings in these crazy hot rocks. There's a hole dug in the center, and then he pours water over the rocks. So you can imagine how hot and steamy it is, which ironically, for me, I thrive in that type of environment. Asked me to do an ICE bath.

00:13:24:02 - 00:13:57:18
Hell no. But I will actually sit in heat and I will endure that discomfort over an ice bath any time. So anyways, I knew we were going to do this Tammy's cowl, and I knew that I wanted to come out reversed and beginning again. Like, truly in all sense of the word. And so that required that before I did this, this ceremony that I really look at the things that I was holding on to and make a conscious decision to release them from my life, which I did.

00:13:57:22 - 00:14:20:06
And I sat there so proud of myself because there was no attachment to them. And four months, four years, actually, if we're being honest, I, I the thought of getting rid of these things made me feel sick to my stomach, Like I felt like I needed to hold on to them, kind of like my pain to protect me or keep me safe.

00:14:20:08 - 00:14:43:08
But when I got to that place of knowing, like Lisa, you have an opportunity to rebirth here. Leave everything behind. Leave everything behind. Think about your whole life. Think about all the things that have happened to you. Are you willing to leave it all behind? The pain, the suffering, the frustration, the guilt, the shame, the all of it.

00:14:43:08 - 00:15:18:05
Are you willing to leave it all behind and be rebirthed with the wisdom? So carry forward the wisdom from your past, but don't carry forward the pain. So, you know, when I went into that Tammy cycle, that was the purpose was I wanted to come out choosing my life. And, you know, I don't think I've ever talked about this on the podcast before, but, you know, for most of my life and I don't know, this might be true for many of you listening, I always kind of felt like the black sheep.

00:15:18:06 - 00:15:36:10
Now I kind of look at myself like, Oh, I was just the Black Stallion, which has a completely different energy than black sheep, right? Black sheep is like I'm separate from people. Instead of seeing myself as what I was, which is a black stallion, right? I'm here to stand out. I'm here very much on purpose with a message.

00:15:36:12 - 00:16:05:07
And I've been given the gifts that I've been given to do the work that I'm doing in the world. And I talked about that on my last episode. So for most of my life, I really, truly felt like I didn't belong. I felt like I had to come to this planet kicking and screaming. So I'm not sure what you believe about life school here, but I kind of believe that, you know, we're like, Yeah.

00:16:05:08 - 00:16:23:15
Like, give me an assignment. Send me down. I'm ready for it. And I often joke that I was in the line up with all my high achieving clients, and we're like, What's the hardest thing you've got? Like, I want that one. Like, that looks fun. And then we get here, and there's been many times where I've been like, Are you did I really sign up for this?

00:16:23:15 - 00:16:46:08
Is this the contract that I wanted to have? Like holy Diana? Like, why would I sign up for this in my life? Because I truly believe that everything that happens is happening for us, is happening for us to step into our full potential and our gifts that we're here for. Now, you don't have to believe that everything is happening for us.

00:16:46:08 - 00:17:11:17
You don't even have to believe that everything was predetermined before you came here. You get to choose whatever story works for you. But that's the point of me choosing to see it this way is that story that everything is happening for me, for my highest and greatest good, and that I signed up for this allows me to be in a place of acceptance of all the things that have happened in my life.

00:17:11:19 - 00:17:37:16
So prior to this and I mean, I've been working on this for years now, but I really, through most of my youth, felt like I wasn't meant to be here. I didn't understand why I was on this planet. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I have been plucked from the hands of death. There's so many stories I have where, you know, there was a time I was coming back from Mexico and I was really sick.

00:17:37:16 - 00:17:56:20
And a man reached over to me and he said, Listen, if you're still feeling crappy when you get home, you take yourself to emergency because you just don't know what you picked up. I don't know who that angel was, although I do have a sense. But you know what? When I got home the next day, I still wasn't feeling good and being pushed through her.

00:17:56:22 - 00:18:12:03
As I was back then, I thought, Well, you know what? I'm just going to I'm going to take that guy's advice. I'm going to go to the E.R., I'm going to get an intravenous, and then I'll just head to work and see my clients. I didn't leave the hospital for seven days. I was completely septic and I was lucky I didn't die.

00:18:12:05 - 00:18:35:06
Had I not gone to the hospital when I'd gone, I would have left this planet. And that is one of many stories that I can tell you where I have been literally plucked from the hands of death. And honestly, when I was younger, I really struggled to be on this planet. And I'll just leave it at that. You can you can interpret that how you want to interpret it.

00:18:35:06 - 00:18:58:22
I think many of us really struggled when we were younger, so none of. Obviously, I'm still here and I've come to believe that, you know, I have this huge guardian angel that's like, No, you don't get to leave. So this is this was my belief like that. I was put on this planet kicking and screaming, signed up for an assignment that I had since then was like, wait, I want out of my contract.

00:18:58:24 - 00:19:32:22
And then realizing that I was not allowed to leave, I was not allowed to leave this planet until I fulfilled the the the lessons and the purpose that I was put on this planet for. So how does that relate to the timescale? Because in that rebirth process for me, it was choosing to own my life. It was choosing to let go of the story that I don't want to be here.

00:19:32:24 - 00:20:22:19
It was choosing that I am going to move forward, living on purpose, owning my gifts, letting go of my past, and being so, so deeply grateful for every single lesson that was given me. Every single thing that was painful in my life that I had an opportunity to work through and grow. Why is that so important? Because those very stories, the stories that I talk to my clients about, the metaphors that I share, the parts of my life that I let them into, are the very things that my clients need to hear to find their own perspective on life or to unlock the door to the thing that's been holding them back.

00:20:22:21 - 00:20:43:17
And I'm going to share more a little bit more about that. So came out of the Thames Castle and my best friend and I basically stripped down naked. It was so amazing. Ran into the ocean, which was like a bloody baptism because that ocean is just like home for me. Maybe I was a mermaid in a in a past life to who knows.

00:20:43:19 - 00:21:05:09
But anyways, looking up at the beautiful new moon, you know, we were just a few days past the new moon. We were a few days past the Lunar New Year and the Year of the Snake, which is all about transformation. You could see the planets in the sky like it was absolutely breathtaking to feel like I was being reborn again.

00:21:05:09 - 00:21:42:22
But this time I was choosing it. I wasn't being forced, put here against my will. I was choosing it. So fast forward, you know, I had my I finished out this retreat, went and just, you know, stepped into just being who I am without any of the bullshit that I'd been carrying around for years and just had an amazing time with these fantastic female entrepreneurs who are just doing such amazing things in the world and what I love so much about it is I could recognize their gifts.

00:21:42:22 - 00:22:06:05
I could see under the words they were seeing, I could see the cracks. I could step into my gift and I was able to hold space for each of them in a way that only I can that help them have their own, you know, mini transformation that they were able to bring that forward and into their business. And it's so cool watching them talk about some things that happened.

00:22:06:07 - 00:22:32:16
And I know the words they're using. I know that those were from conversations with me that were a catalyst for them to now to step into that next level. So powerful, so incredibly powerful, so after that, I left and I went and met my client at the next resort. Now, when I talk about this 1 to 1 retreat, I talk about it like, you know, I've been talking about it like it's no big deal.

00:22:32:17 - 00:23:04:14
But just for context, last year, back in 2019, when I was crying in the ocean and, you know, everything was falling apart, and I felt like I was getting everything wrong. If you had said to me, Lisa, in 2025, you'll be hosting a 1 to 1 retreat. Somebody is going to want to invest in themselves and come and spend four days with you and you're going to be doing coaching on a beach while eating guacamole, while walking on the, you know, white powdery sand beaches of Tolu.

00:23:04:16 - 00:23:36:12
You might as well have been telling me I was going to stand on the moon. That's how big of a moment this was for me. So I can't even put it into words. So how does this tie into where I started the podcast? The reason that I didn't put out a podcast episode last week was because when I came home, let's just say integration back into real life, not real life, but like home life was pretty it was challenging.

00:23:36:14 - 00:23:52:22
So I'd come home and I'd given myself the Tuesday off because I flew home late Monday. I giving myself Tuesday off because I like to give myself a day off when I'm traveling time zones to just re acclimatize and then, you know, get back to work. So I do I do love what I do. But man, the universe had other plans.

00:23:52:22 - 00:24:24:14
When we go through these massive expansions. So I had two weeks of three massive expansive experiences, Ladies and gentlemen. It took me more than one day to integrate that. So by Thursday I had a headache so bad I couldn't even see straight. I ended up canceling my day. I moved my clients. I canceled my workshop, which, by the way, if you want to register for that workshop, it's going to be happening this week.

00:24:24:14 - 00:24:51:02
On Thursday. It's how to heal your female friendship wounds so you can have deeper connections with women, which has been a big part of my journey this year and even part of what allowed me to be at this retreat with these other entrepreneurs. It was a lot. And so often when we have big things happen in our life, most of the clients I work with don't even pause to really reflect on them.

00:24:51:02 - 00:25:13:06
They just like tick the box and move on. Next, next, next, next. And listen it. It would kind of feel easy for me to just be like, okay, well, what do I want to do next? Like, I accomplished that. Like, now what? But the energetic rebound that I felt around Lisa, you need to sit in this. You need to get quiet.

00:25:13:08 - 00:25:37:01
You need to really let the changes integrate in your body energetically. You are not the same person. You need to give yourself time, physically, mentally, emotionally to really be with what happened. So consider if you went into the gym and you did a really heavy leg workout, you wouldn't then go back in the gym the next day to do another heavy leg workout.

00:25:37:01 - 00:25:59:22
You would feel the impact of that heavy workout. Your muscles would be sore and achy. You know, you might have a hard time going up and down the stairs. I'm sure you've experienced what that feels like when we have big, energetic upper levels, when we accomplish big things in other areas of our life, it has the same impact on us, but so often we disregard it.

00:25:59:22 - 00:26:23:13
We don't think about the impact that it's had because we're just again, tick the box, tick the box, tick the box. And this is part of why my clients struggle to feel this sense of fulfillment because they never paused long enough to really appreciate or feel proud of what just shifted and changed for them. Nor do they allow themselves to really reflect on how different they are.

00:26:23:15 - 00:26:43:10
I did not come home the same woman that I went to, Tolu, and I needed some time to process that and I needed to give myself more time. Right. So it's funny. I'm like, Oh, I'll be fine after one day. No, I was not fine after one day. I needed more time. So even this weekend, I've really just we make some cookies today.

00:26:43:10 - 00:27:11:18
I slept in. I got a good workout in, but it's been a very, very chill weekend of doing a whole lot of nothing to just really be present to what changed. So there's a lot in this episode. But what I want to leave you with is we get to write the stories of our lives and it is your responsibility.

00:27:11:18 - 00:27:41:13
It gets to be your responsible to write those stories in a way that make you feel good, that allow you to move forward, that allow you to feel more fulfilled, more living on purpose, whatever it is for you. So like I said, I truly believe that every experience is given to us for a reason. And for me specifically, because some days I feel like I've gotten more lessons than the average bear.

00:27:41:15 - 00:28:10:08
And I'm so grateful for it because, you know, as I was sharing something and telling them on my 1 to 1 client retreat, what was so incredibly powerful was as I was sharing with her some of the some of the things that have been going on in my world just from an intuitive place, because I don't share everything with everybody but my 1 to 1 clients really get a behind the scenes look because more often than not, it's relevant to something going on in their in their lives.

00:28:10:10 - 00:28:45:24
And what we uncovered for me, sharing that story the next day, it came up that she had really had a very similar experience. Similar but different. And because of that experience, she began telling herself stories about who she thought she was and what she thought she was and wasn't deserving of. And this was what was creating the push and pull between wanting to rest, wanting to enjoy her life, wanting to really be present to this amazing life she'd created for herself.

00:28:46:01 - 00:29:09:06
Yet the part of her that was like, You don't get to have that. You should want more. You should still be pushing you need to work hard for, you know, you just need to work hard, you need to keep working harder. And that was all anchored in that part of her that wouldn't let her have this peace and ease and fulfillment in her life was still so grounded in shame from something that had occurred in her past.

00:29:09:08 - 00:29:32:13
And even though she thought that she had moved on from it, which is so true for many of my clients, we think like, Oh, I moved on. It's it's not you know, it's not a part of my life anymore. Most people, they don't actually emotionally process certain events in their life and they create these stories that then keep them trapped and they don't even realize they're being trapped by that story.

00:29:32:13 - 00:30:03:24
They don't realize that there's still emotional knots there that haven't been untied. And oftentimes when things happen in our lives, we need to circle back to those moments because in the moment we don't have the capacity to say what's really here and what can I really let go of. So because this is the work I do day in and day out, I mean, it's taken me now over two years to find peace with what's gone on in my world.

00:30:04:01 - 00:30:27:16
And even at this two year mark, I still know there's still little threads there, but it's different. Like and I've really done this in the most I'm going to use the word meticulous where I possibly could while being incredibly messy and human and all of those things along the way. But most people will just kind of move past an event in their life.

00:30:27:20 - 00:30:53:09
They handle it. So my clients say, I handled it, I handled it, I moved on. And sometimes we need to go back and pull those threads to find the hidden emotion that is creating the stories. That is really where the resistance lies. Because when we're keeping ourselves from having what we want, there's a reason for it. And that takes some excavation to really find out what it was.

00:30:53:09 - 00:31:17:23
So for this particular client, you know, ended up in this beautiful she came to this beautiful place of being able to move into acceptance and forgiveness of herself and being able to release that part of her that was creating so much resistance. And it was really beautiful to witness. And we went into this retreat together with no agenda.

00:31:17:23 - 00:31:40:05
That's not how I coach. But she knew that there was still something there and she just couldn't get at it. And I knew because I've been doing this for so long and I trust myself as a coach. I knew intuitively that we'd get there, but I didn't realize that we would get there because of something that I shared in my life.

00:31:40:07 - 00:32:03:02
And this is why I look at everything that's happened with such deep gratitude, because I cannot begin to tell you how many times my story has unlocked stories and other people. And this is why you can look at anything that's happened in your life and you can see it as a gift if you choose to, not as a gift bypassing, Right?

00:32:03:02 - 00:32:24:12
We don't want to just bypass the emotion of what happened and say, oh, I'm grateful for it because there is a lot of emotion that needs to clear and you need to get to a place of acceptance in order for it to really to be able to truly feel the gratitude for it. It's very hard to feel the gratitude for painful things happening to you when you're in it before you've processed that emotion.

00:32:24:14 - 00:32:59:03
But what a powerful realization, even for me to see that that, you know, my life experience beyond my coaching skill, the stories that I bring and that I weave into my clients are always going to be relevant because our our pain is the portal to our self-discovery. And, you know, now I can look at my my contract up above before I came to this planet, before I came to Earth School, just be like, okay, I get it.

00:32:59:03 - 00:33:25:19
I get why I signed up for this. And that's why that rebirthing experience was so powerful for me, because it just gives me this new level of gratitude and appreciation for my entire life and life experience. And I really feel now like I don't expect to not have any more lessons. I mean, that's the human experience. But I do really feel like a lot of my assignments, my big assignments, I feel like they're complete.

00:33:25:21 - 00:33:52:18
So I'm hoping for only like soft lessons this year, No. Two by force. And I know that even though life will hand me other hard things in the future, I truly believe that my greatest lessons I have already moved through. Maybe I should not quit on that, but that's how I feel. Like assignment completed, you know, mission accomplished.

00:33:52:20 - 00:34:20:18
And now my job is really to just pay forward to other people and help them find their own peace and ease. Acceptance, love of self self-compassion on their journey of life, self. There you have it. There is kind of a recap of Tolu and why it's such a magical place, why our stories matter, why we need to give ourselves time instead of just pushing through when big things happen in our lives.

00:34:20:18 - 00:34:44:01
Sometimes we need to take a pause, take another week off, plan a weekend, you know, a weekend away so we can just reflect on on things that have happened. But there's so much power in that pause and slowing down instead of pushing through. So I hope you hear that lesson in this as well. You know, nobody died because I didn't put out a podcast episode last week.

00:34:44:03 - 00:35:14:05
No clients were harmed because I canceled my day. Nobody, you know, lost their life because I canceled my master class and rescheduled it. Like I said, I didn't like to do it. And I also know that the days of me pushing through because I feel obligated to other people over my own personal well-being are done. My well-being has to be at the top of my list of priorities, and I wish that for you as well.

00:35:14:05 - 00:35:39:05
It's part of the journey of coming home to ourselves. So I will leave you with that. I think there's a lot in here. Thank you so much for tuning in. If you want to register for that. I believe it's Lisa Carpenter, Dot k Forge slash coaching. I could be totally wrong on the link. So double check the show notes.

00:35:39:07 - 00:35:58:24
It is happening this coming Thursday I believe at three Pacific. Again. Could be wrong with that. So check this show notes. My team hates it when I quote things, but like I said, I'm in my car. I don't have my notes with me. I'm just doing this like off the cuff. I'd love to have you on that workshop.

00:35:59:04 - 00:36:22:11
And if you can't make it live, of course there will be a replay for you. Now, if you are interested in being able to watch all the masterclasses I've done which have included one on Boundaries on Money, I did one on how to master your calendar and your time. I'm pretty much doing one every month. You may want to check out my new membership program called Reclamation.

00:36:22:13 - 00:36:59:18
We've got multiple tiers to suit every level where you're at from an entry level, where you get monthly calls and weekly check ins to a mid-tier level that that grants you access to some 1 to 1 coaching with me without a long term contract, meaning we're not seeing each other every week or biweekly. You just get to book on to my calendar a couple of times during the six month period, or there's a top tier where I'm still looking to work with people who are wanting to go deeper and be truly committed to their coaching, whether it's one session a month or two sessions a month plus that group call.

00:36:59:20 - 00:37:23:18
So you can check that out. Lisa Carpenter Okay, forward slash reclamation, that is open for ongoing registration. I would love to see you in there. If you're looking for more support, if you're looking to dive deeper into some of these topics that you've heard me talk about on the podcast, I'm going to be doing a specific episode around Reclamation, but make sure you go check that link out and you can read all about it.

00:37:23:18 - 00:37:47:08
And I would love to see you inside there. So that is it For now. I'm going to hope my kid wraps up here pretty quickly. Go home and eat a chocolate chip cookie that I made and enjoy the rest of my Sunday afternoon. Have a beautiful week wherever you are in the world. Thank you so much for taking the time to pop me into your ears.

00:37:47:10 - 00:38:06:23
It is not lost on me. That time is our most precious commodity. These days. And for you to take, you know, 30, 40 minutes out of your day to to listen to what I have to say and I hope it brought you value. I hope it shifted something in you or allowed you to see your life in in a different way.

00:38:06:23 - 00:38:13:15
I appreciate you being here. I appreciate you tuning in. So take good care of you and I will catch you on the next episode.


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