Energy Quote How To Deal With Overwhelm Doing Diary TitleAre you struggling to keep your energy up because it feels like you have a million things to do all the time?

Are you tired of being constantly busy but feeling unfulfilled? 

Do you crave a more intentional approach to your time and energy? 

It’s time to unlock your productivity potential and take control of your schedule with the transformative practice of the Doing Diary.

In this article, we’ll explore the power behind the Doing Diary and how it can revolutionize the way high-performing CEOs manage their time and energy. 

Just a few of the reasons why the Doing Diary is a game-changer:

Achieve Laser-Sharp Focus: Discover how the Doing Diary helps you identify the tasks and activities that truly matter, so you can prioritize effectively and make meaningful progress towards your goals. Say goodbye to overwhelm and hello to focused productivity.

Improve Your Energy: Uncover the hidden energy drains in your daily routine and learn how to eliminate or delegate them. By tracking your activities and making conscious choices, you’ll regain control of your energy, allowing you to perform at your best without burnout.

Embrace Rest and Play: Explore the importance of carving out space for rest and play amidst a busy schedule. With the Doing Diary, you’ll learn to value and prioritize self-care, ensuring a healthy work-life balance and a sustainable approach to success.

Get ready to transform your productivity game and unlock new levels of success with the power of the Doing Diary. Let’s dive in!

The concept of the Doing Diary was introduced in episode 228 of the podcast. Click here to check out the audio podcast version on Apple or Spotify.

Understanding the Impact of Busyness on Your Energy

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s all too common to fall into the trap of over-scheduling and engaging in endless busy work without considering its effects on our energy levels. 

We convince ourselves that being busy is a badge of honor, equating it with productivity and success. 

However, the Doing Diary introduces a fresh perspective by highlighting the crucial connection between busyness and energy, urging us to make conscious choices that optimize our well-being and performance.

The Common Tendency to Over-Schedule: Finding Balance in the Chaos of Business and Life

It’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of tasks, commitments, and responsibilities that constantly demand our attention. 

We fill our calendars to the brim, juggling multiple roles and obligations, often neglecting our own well-being in the process. 

The Doing Diary prompts us to step back and evaluate the impact of our over-scheduled lives. It encourages us to find balance in the midst of the chaos, ensuring that our time and energy align with our true priorities.

By keeping a record of our daily activities in the Doing Diary, we gain invaluable insights into the patterns and habits that perpetuate our busyness. 

We become aware of the activities that drain our energy excessively, allowing us to reassess and make intentional choices. 

This newfound awareness empowers us to reclaim control over our schedules and create a more sustainable approach to work and life.

The Link Between Busyness and Energy Levels: Unveiling the Energy Drain

Busyness can act as a double-edged sword. 

While it may give us a temporary sense of accomplishment, it often comes at the expense of our energy reserves. 

Engaging in constant busy work without strategic planning or reflection can lead to burnout, decreased productivity, and diminished overall well-being. 

The Doing Diary acts as a powerful tool to expose the energy drains in our daily routines.

By tracking our activities and assessing their impact on our energy levels, we gain valuable insights into the tasks that energize us and those that deplete us. 

This awareness enables us to make conscious choices about how we allocate our time and energy. We can identify tasks that are non-essential or do not align with our goals, allowing us to eliminate or delegate them. 

By doing so, we free up precious energy reserves to focus on what truly matters, enhancing our efficiency, effectiveness, and overall satisfaction.

The Need for Conscious Choices: Prioritizing Meaningful Progress

The Doing Diary serves as a wake-up call to the importance of conscious decision-making in managing our time and energy. It encourages us to evaluate the purpose and impact of each task we undertake. 

Are we merely engaging in busy work for the sake of appearing productive? 

Or are we investing our time and energy in activities that align with our values, goals, and long-term success?

Through the practice of the Doing Diary, we gain the clarity and insight needed to prioritize meaningful progress. 

We learn to discern between urgent and important tasks, focusing on those that have a significant impact on our personal and professional growth. 

By making conscious choices about how we utilize our time and energy, we become architects of our own success, finding fulfillment in purposeful action rather than mere busyness.

The Doing Diary offers a powerful tool to understand the impact of busyness on our energy levels. By recognizing the tendency to over-schedule and engaging in conscious choices, we can strike a balance between productivity and well-being. 

Through the practice of the Doing Diary, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and intentional living, unlocking our full potential and achieving sustainable success.

Introducing the Doing Diary: Unleashing the Power of Awareness

Energy Quote Unlock Clarity and Focus with the Power of Doing DiaryA Doing Diary is a powerful tool for creating awareness and managing time and energy. 

It involves keeping track of daily activities and the time spent on tasks using a preferred method such as notes on a phone, a dedicated journal, or pen and paper. 

The purpose of the Doing Diary is to bring clarity to how time and energy are allocated, identify patterns, and make adjustments for greater productivity and well-being. 

By recording activities, tracking time, and reflecting on the entries, individuals can gain insight into their priorities, eliminate non-essential tasks, delegate responsibilities, and create space for rest and play. 

The Doing Diary empowers you to make conscious choices, align your actions with your goals and values, and ultimately cultivate a more balanced and fulfilling life.

The Purpose of the Doing Diary: Illuminating Daily Activities and Time Allocation

The Doing Diary serves as a transformative practice that invites us to keep track of our daily activities and the time we invest in them. 

Its purpose is to bring awareness to how we allocate our most precious resources: time and energy. 

By diligently recording our actions, we unlock the power to observe and evaluate our choices, leading to a more intentional and fulfilling life.

The Doing Diary acts as a mirror, reflecting our daily routines and habits back to us. It reveals the true extent of our busyness and allows us to identify where our time is genuinely being spent. 

This process unveils the hidden patterns and habits that may be contributing to our feelings of overwhelm and exhaustion. 

Through this heightened awareness, we gain the opportunity to make conscious adjustments and prioritize activities that align with our goals and values.

Creating Awareness: The Catalyst for Change

Awareness is the first step toward transformation. 

The Doing Diary enables us to break free from the autopilot mode of living, where we go through the motions without considering the impact of our choices. 

It invites us to pause, reflect, and question the validity and purpose of each task we engage in.

By actively tracking our activities, we cultivate mindfulness and conscious decision-making. 

We become attuned to the subtle shifts in our energy levels throughout the day, noticing which activities fuel us and which drain us. 

This heightened self-awareness empowers us to take ownership of our time and energy, breaking free from the cycle of busyness and fostering a more intentional and balanced approach to our lives.

The Doing Diary: A Tool for Reflection and Evaluation

The power of the Doing Diary lies not only in its ability to create awareness but also in its capacity for reflection and evaluation. 

By regularly reviewing our recorded activities, we gain insights into the effectiveness and impact of our actions. We can assess whether our time is being invested in activities that align with our goals and contribute to our personal and professional growth.

Through reflection, we can identify areas for improvement and make intentional adjustments. We may discover that certain tasks can be optimized or eliminated altogether, freeing up valuable time and energy for more meaningful pursuits. 

The Doing Diary becomes a trusted companion on our journey of self-discovery, providing us with valuable data and perspectives to enhance our decision-making and prioritize what truly matters.

The Doing Diary serves as a powerful tool for personal transformation. By capturing our daily activities and allocating time mindfully, we cultivate awareness, enabling us to break free from the autopilot of busyness. 

This practice empowers us to reflect, evaluate, and make conscious choices, aligning our actions with our values and goals. 

Embrace the power of the Doing Diary and unlock a path to greater fulfillment and success.

Bringing Clarity to Priorities: Nurturing Meaningful Progress

The Significance of Prioritization: Distinguishing the Essential from the Superfluous

In a world filled with endless demands and distractions, prioritization becomes a crucial skill for those seeking to maximize their productivity and fulfillment. 

The Doing Diary acts as a guiding light, illuminating the path to meaningful progress by helping us discern between tasks that truly matter and those that are mere distractions.

By actively recording our activities, we gain clarity on where our time and energy are being invested. 

We can assess whether each task aligns with our goals, values, and long-term vision. This evaluation enables us to shed light on activities that may be consuming our resources without yielding significant results. 

Armed with this newfound awareness, we can prioritize our efforts towards the activities that truly move the needle forward and contribute to our desired outcomes.

Identifying Activities Aligned with Goals and Values: Creating Purposeful Action

The Doing Diary empowers us to bridge the gap between our aspirations and our daily actions. It encourages us to take a close look at our recorded activities and evaluate whether they align with our goals and values. 

It is through this reflection that we gain the ability to make intentional choices, fostering a sense of purpose in our daily endeavors.

As we identify activities that resonate with our personal and professional aspirations, we open the door to greater fulfillment and satisfaction. 

The Doing Diary becomes a catalyst for aligning our actions with our deeper intentions, guiding us towards a more purpose-driven life. 

By engaging in activities that bring us joy, meaning, and a sense of fulfillment, we create a positive ripple effect that extends to all aspects of our lives.

The Impact of Conscious Choices: Nurturing Fulfillment and Desired Outcomes

Every choice we make shapes our reality and influences the trajectory of our lives. The Doing Diary provides us with the opportunity to make conscious choices, curating our daily activities with intention and care. 

By allocating our time and energy to activities that truly matter, we cultivate a sense of fulfillment and purpose.

Conscious choices not only enhance our personal well-being but also move us closer to our desired outcomes. 

The Doing Diary helps us assess the impact of our choices and make adjustments to ensure we are on the right path. It prompts us to celebrate progress, course-correct when necessary, and foster a growth mindset that propels us towards our goals.

The Doing Diary acts as a compass, guiding us to bring clarity to our priorities. By embracing the power of prioritization, identifying activities aligned with our goals and values, and consciously choosing actions that bring fulfillment, we unlock the potential for meaningful progress. 

Through the practice of the Doing Diary, we create a purposeful and fulfilling life, driven by choices that align with our aspirations. Embrace the transformative impact of clarity and let it fuel your journey to success.

Bringing Clarity to Priorities: Nurturing Meaningful Progress

The Significance of Prioritization: Distinguishing the Essential from the Superfluous

In a world filled with endless demands and distractions, prioritization becomes a crucial skill for those seeking to maximize their productivity and fulfillment. 

The Doing Diary acts as a guiding light, illuminating the path to meaningful progress by helping us discern between tasks that truly matter and those that are mere distractions.

By actively recording our activities, we gain clarity on where our time and energy are being invested. 

We can assess whether each task aligns with our goals, values, and long-term vision. This evaluation enables us to shed light on activities that may be consuming our resources without yielding significant results. 

Armed with this newfound awareness, we can prioritize our efforts towards the activities that truly move the needle forward and contribute to our desired outcomes.

Identifying Activities Aligned with Goals and Values: Creating Purposeful Action

The Doing Diary empowers us to bridge the gap between our aspirations and our daily actions. It encourages us to take a close look at our recorded activities and evaluate whether they align with our goals and values. 

It is through this reflection that we gain the ability to make intentional choices, fostering a sense of purpose in our daily endeavors.

As we identify activities that resonate with our personal and professional aspirations, we open the door to greater fulfillment and satisfaction. 

The Doing Diary becomes a catalyst for aligning our actions with our deeper intentions, guiding us towards a more purpose-driven life. 

By engaging in activities that bring us joy, meaning, and a sense of fulfillment, we create a positive ripple effect that extends to all aspects of our lives.

The Impact of Conscious Choices: Nurturing Fulfillment and Desired Outcomes

Every choice we make shapes our reality and influences the trajectory of our lives. The Doing Diary provides us with the opportunity to make conscious choices, curating our daily activities with intention and care.

By allocating our time and energy to activities that truly matter, we cultivate a sense of fulfillment and purpose.

Conscious choices not only enhance our personal well-being but also move us closer to our desired outcomes. The Doing Diary helps us assess the impact of our choices and make adjustments to ensure we are on the right path. 

It prompts us to celebrate progress, course-correct when necessary, and foster a growth mindset that propels us towards our goals.

The Doing Diary acts as a compass, guiding us to bring clarity to our priorities. 

By embracing the power of prioritization, identifying activities aligned with our goals and values, and consciously choosing actions that bring fulfillment, we unlock the potential for meaningful progress. 

Through the practice of the Doing Diary, we create a purposeful and fulfilling life, driven by choices that align with our aspirations. 

Embrace the transformative impact of clarity and let it fuel your journey to success.

Delegation and Elimination: Empowering Your Productivity

The Importance of Delegating Tasks: Lightening the Load

In the pursuit of productivity and success, one key strategy often overlooked is the art of delegation.

The Doing Diary sheds light on the importance of recognizing when tasks can be effectively delegated, allowing us to alleviate the burden of an excessive workload and create more space for focused, impactful work.

By tracking our activities in the Doing Diary, we gain a clear understanding of the tasks that consume significant amounts of time and energy. 

This awareness provides us with the opportunity to assess whether certain responsibilities can be effectively delegated to others. 

Delegation not only frees up our time but also empowers team members or support networks to contribute their unique skills and expertise, fostering collaboration and maximizing overall productivity.

Evaluating Tasks for Delegation or Elimination: Streamlining Your Focus

The Doing Diary serves as a powerful tool for evaluating the tasks on our plate and determining which ones can be delegated or eliminated altogether. 

It prompts us to critically assess the value and impact of each activity, ensuring that we are investing our time and energy in the most meaningful and productive endeavors.

Through the practice of the Doing Diary, we identify tasks that do not align with our goals or do not require our personal attention. 

By eliminating or delegating these tasks, we create a newfound sense of liberation and focus. 

This intentional streamlining allows us to channel our energy towards the activities that truly drive progress, while letting go of non-essential commitments that may be draining our resources.

Setting Boundaries and Saying No: Guarding Your Energy

The Doing Diary empowers us to set boundaries and say no to non-essential commitments, safeguarding our precious time and energy. It prompts us to evaluate requests and opportunities that come our way, allowing us to make intentional choices that align with our priorities.

By regularly reflecting on our recorded activities, we become more discerning in how we allocate our time. We gain the confidence to say no to tasks or commitments that do not serve our goals or values. 

Setting boundaries and protecting our energy ensures that we have the capacity to fully invest ourselves in the activities that matter most, leading to greater fulfillment and productivity.

The Doing Diary brings attention to the power of delegation and elimination in optimizing productivity. 

  • By embracing delegation, we lighten our workload and tap into the expertise of others. 
  • By evaluating tasks for delegation or elimination, we streamline our focus and prioritize meaningful work. 
  • By setting boundaries and saying no, we safeguard our energy and protect our ability to make progress on what truly matters. 

The Doing Diary empowers us to make strategic choices, enhancing our productivity and overall satisfaction.

Creating Space for Rest and Play: Nurturing Balance and Well-Being

Energy Quote Revive Your Well-Being_ Embrace Rest and PlayThe Significance of Rest and Play: Restoring Balance in a Busy World

In the midst of our fast-paced and demanding lives, the importance of rest and play often gets overshadowed. 

The Doing Diary serves as a reminder of the vital role these activities play in nurturing our overall well-being and maintaining a balanced lifestyle. 

It prompts us to intentionally carve out space for rest and play, recognizing their profound impact on our productivity, creativity, and overall happiness.

Rest is not a luxury; it is a necessity.

Incorporating moments of rest and relaxation into our daily lives allows us to recharge, replenish our energy, and prevent burnout. 

By consciously prioritizing rest, we enhance our ability to focus, make sound decisions, and perform at our best. The Doing Diary encourages us to schedule regular periods of rest, ensuring we honor our need for downtime and rejuvenation.

Similarly, play is an essential component of a fulfilling life. 

Engaging in activities that bring us joy, creativity, and a sense of freedom revitalizes our spirits and ignites our passion. 

Through the practice of the Doing Diary, we are reminded to allocate time for activities that inspire us, whether it’s pursuing a hobby, spending quality time with loved ones, or exploring new adventures. 

By embracing playfulness, we cultivate a more vibrant and well-rounded existence.

The Negative Effects of Over-Scheduling: Breaking the Cycle for Adults and Children

Over-scheduling has become a prevalent issue in our modern society, affecting both adults and children alike. 

The pressure to constantly be engaged in activities and the fear of missing out lead to packed schedules and little room for rest or spontaneous play. The Doing Diary sheds light on the detrimental effects of over-scheduling and encourages us to break free from this cycle.

For adults, over-scheduling can lead to chronic stress, fatigue, and a diminished quality of life. The Doing Diary prompts us to reflect on the activities that fill our calendars and consider their true value and impact. 

By consciously evaluating our commitments and making intentional choices, we can reclaim our time and create a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.

Children, too, are susceptible to the negative effects of over-scheduling. The pressure to excel academically, participate in numerous extracurricular activities, and maintain a busy social life can lead to exhaustion and decreased well-being. 

The Doing Diary urges parents and caregivers to evaluate their children’s schedules and ensure that adequate time for rest, play, and unstructured downtime is incorporated. 

By teaching children to value rest and play, we nurture their overall development and well-being.

Valuing Rest and Play: A Path to Holistic Well-Being

Rest and play are not indulgences; they are essential components of a healthy and balanced life. The Doing Diary empowers us to shift our perspective and recognize the significance of these activities in our overall well-being. 

It prompts us to prioritize self-care, embrace leisure time, and create a harmonious blend of productivity and rejuvenation.

By valuing rest and play, we unlock our full potential. 

We enhance our mental and physical health, improve our relationships, and cultivate a greater sense of fulfillment. The Doing Diary serves as a gentle reminder to allocate time for restorative activities, to engage in moments of joy and spontaneity, and to honor the need for balance in our lives. 

Embrace the power of rest and play, and witness the transformative impact they have on your well-being and overall quality of life.

The Doing Diary encourages us to create space for rest and play, recognizing their profound influence on our well-being. 

By incorporating regular periods of rest and engaging in activities that bring joy and inspiration, we restore balance in our lives and nurture our holistic well-being. 

Let the Doing Diary be your guide to embracing rest and play as essential components of a fulfilling and meaningful existence.

Create Your Doing Diary: Implementing Lasting Change

Energy Quote Ignite Change_ Track, Reflect, and Transform Your LifeChoose Your Method

Implementing the Doing Diary is a simple yet powerful practice that can revolutionize how you approach your daily activities. 

The first step is to choose your preferred method of recording. 

Whether it’s using the notes on your phone, a dedicated journal, or pen and paper, find a format that resonates with you and allows for easy accessibility throughout the day.

Once you have selected your preferred method, commit to using it consistently. Make it a habit to record your activities, big or small, as they occur. 

Capture the time spent on tasks, including social media usage, email correspondence, work-related activities, and personal pursuits. 

Remember, the goal is not to judge or criticize but to create awareness.

Track Your Activities: Shedding Light on Your Time and Energy Investment

Tracking your activities is a powerful way to shed light on how you invest your time and energy. The Doing Diary encourages you to be honest and comprehensive in your recordings. Take note of the activities that bring you joy, fulfillment, and progress towards your goals. Equally important, document tasks that drain your energy or do not align with your priorities.

Pay particular attention to your engagement with social media and email. These are often significant sources of distraction and time consumption. 

By tracking the time spent on these platforms, you can evaluate whether they are serving a purpose or hindering your productivity. 

The Doing Diary acts as a mirror, revealing the patterns and habits that may be impeding your progress or causing unnecessary stress.

Regular Review and Reflection: Harnessing Insights for Growth

The true power of the Doing Diary lies in its ability to provide insights and drive growth. Make it a practice to review and reflect on your recorded activities regularly. 

Set aside dedicated time to analyze your entries and identify patterns that emerge. Look for opportunities to make adjustments, streamline your focus, and align your activities with your goals and values.

Reflection allows you to gain a deeper understanding of how your time and energy investment impacts your overall well-being and progress. 

Ask yourself meaningful questions: 

Are there activities that consistently bring joy and fulfillment? 

Are there tasks that can be delegated or eliminated? 

Are there areas where you can set clearer boundaries or say no to non-essential commitments?

By harnessing the insights gained through regular review and reflection, you can make intentional changes that lead to lasting growth and transformation. The Doing Diary becomes a valuable compass, guiding you towards a more purposeful and fulfilling life.

Taking action with the Doing Diary involves practical steps, consistent tracking of activities, and regular review and reflection. 

Embrace this transformative practice and witness the positive impact it has on your time management, productivity, and overall well-being. 

The Doing Diary empowers you to take control of your choices, align your actions with your goals, and cultivate a life filled with intention and purpose. 

Start your Doing Diary journey today and embrace the power of conscious living.

Create Your Doing Diary Now

  1. Choose your preferred method of recording: Decide whether you want to use the notes on your phone, a dedicated journal, or pen and paper. Select a format that works best for you and that you can easily access throughout the day.
  2. Commit to consistent recording: Make it a habit to record your activities as they occur. Capture both big and small tasks, and be thorough in your entries. Remember, the goal is to create awareness, not to judge or criticize.
  3. Track your time spent on tasks: Record the time you invest in various activities, including work-related tasks, personal pursuits, social media usage, and email correspondence. Be honest and comprehensive in your tracking to gain a clear understanding of where your time is being allocated.
  4. Evaluate the alignment with your goals and values: Regularly review your recorded activities and assess whether they align with your goals and values. Identify tasks that bring you joy, fulfillment, and progress, as well as those that drain your energy or do not serve your priorities.
  5. Pay attention to social media and email usage: Take note of the time you spend on social media platforms and engaging with emails. Evaluate whether these activities are productive or if they distract you from more meaningful work. Use this insight to make adjustments and set boundaries where necessary.
  6. Reflect and identify patterns: Set aside dedicated time for reflection on your recorded activities. Look for patterns that emerge and identify opportunities for improvement. Ask yourself meaningful questions to gain deeper insights into your time and energy investment.
  7. Make adjustments and prioritize: Based on your insights and reflections, make intentional changes to your daily activities. Streamline your focus, delegate or eliminate tasks that do not align with your goals, and set clearer boundaries. Prioritize activities that bring you fulfillment and contribute to your desired outcomes.
  8. Regularly review and refine your Doing Diary: Continuously revisit and refine your Doing Diary. Keep it as a consistent practice to ensure ongoing self-awareness and growth. Use the insights gained from your diary to guide your choices and maintain a balanced and purpose-driven approach to your work and life.

10 Daily Journal Prompts For Your Doing Diary

  1. List the activities you engaged in today and note the time spent on each.
  2. Reflect on the tasks that brought you joy and fulfillment. Why did they have a positive impact?
  3. Identify any activities that drained your energy. What could you do differently next time?
  4. Record the time you spent on social media and email. Was it productive or did it hinder your focus?
  5. Evaluate the alignment of your activities with your goals and values. Are there any adjustments needed?
  6. Consider tasks that can be delegated or eliminated to free up time and energy. How can you make it happen?
  7. Set clearer boundaries and learn to say no to non-essential commitments. What boundaries can you establish?
  8. Highlight moments of rest and play in your day. How did they contribute to your overall well-being?
  9. Reflect on patterns and habits that emerge from your Doing Diary. What insights can you draw from them?
  10. Make intentional changes based on your reflections. How can you prioritize activities that truly matter?

Remember, the Doing Diary is a tool for conscious living and productivity. By implementing these steps, you will gain valuable insights, make informed decisions, and create a more fulfilling and intentional life as a high-performing CEO. Start your Doing Diary journey today and unlock the power of purposeful action.


Doing Diary, Energy Management, how to keep your energy up, How To Protect Your Energy, Manage Your Energy

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