
Consistency isn’t always easy, but kindness is.

It’s not easy keeping all the moving bits and pieces in my business running.

I often feel like I’m not making any traction at all but the TRUTH is I am.

Weight loss can feel much the same.

You’re trying hard and feel like you’re doing all the right things but you don’t seem to be gaining any traction.  The scale isn’t showing you what you want to see and in the process of watching it, you’ve over looked other elements of success.

More energy, sleeping better, glowing skin, feeling younger, and feeling more alive.

but because the weight isn’t coming off you let frustration take over.

I’ve talked in the past about the journey being more of a Cha-cha than a straight line.

More than ever I’m feeling this in my business and having to fight off my gremlins who want me to believe I’m doing it wrong and that I’m not getting ahead.

This is also the time of year that diet bandwagon jumpers start to feel frustrated.  The initial momentum and enthusiasm is starting to wain and old habits are starting to sneak back in.

Pretty soon the white flag of surrender is flying and you end up feeling defeated and off the wagon.

If I gave up in my biz every time I felt frustrated I would have packed it in looooong ago. Truthfully I just keep going and walking my path because my mission is much more important than my fears or frustrations.

So what if there was NO wagon?

Are you willing to get off, stay off AND keep walking your path?

I had the pleasure of shooting an interview with Sara Page, artist, writer, speaker and catalyst for change from Live Life Open where we jammed about all things food, our bodies and how we think and feel about both.

We talked about the power of choice and being KIND to yourself through the process of getting healthier and losing weight.

Being ON or OFF that wagon doesn’t support kindness and only exacerbates feelings of guilt, shame and not being good enough.

How would your weight loss journey change if you decided to stop focusing on getting it right or trying to get “there”?

What if you gave yourself permission to learn, take a break and Cha-cha more?

Behind the scenes this is the EXACT strategy that is growing my success.

I take breaks when I need (in fact I just got back on Periscope after a huge hiatus so make sure to follow me @realfoodninja), continue to try without attaching expectations to the outcome and change course when I see fit.

Consistency is important if you’re chasing a goal  but the kindness you show yourself along the journey matters even more.

Click the image below and enjoy a quick highlight video and check out the full length 46 minute interview & more of Sara’s work at www.livelifeopen.com


Comment below with your biggest take aways.

XO ~

If you want to learn more about how to create consistency with food, build your own nutritional blue print and truly take ownership of your relationship with food and your body, make sure you click the link below to learn more about E.A.T!



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