In episode 201,  Lisa invited her client Theresa Torelli to share her journey through coaching. You’ll hear the ladies dive into topics on parenting and allowing your kids to find their way without your help. They discuss letting go of control over caring how things turn out and controlling the outcomes.

You’ll hear how Theresa let go of controlling everything to allowing others to support her personal and business growth.

“I was definitely losing control of how many things I was getting involved in just because it’s good doesn’t mean it’s right.”

She learned how to set new boundaries with her business as well as her clients and her business grew.

Theresa, like many of us, wanted to be all things to everyone. She wanted everyone to think ‘how does she do it all’?  And as many of us do, she loved that identity of being the one that was doing all the things and seeing everyone so amazed at that. Over her time in working with Lisa, she learned that “doing all the things” isn’t where it’s at, it’s letting go of control and easing into life.

They discuss how lack and limitation can show up in hidden ways, and what to do when you find yourself operating from this place.

How being generous to others is often a way to avoid being generous with yourself.

This episode is full of phenomenal nuggets on what it takes to be a driven, ambitious woman who is also willing to put herself first. Tune in and let me know what resonated with you.

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Welcome to the Full Frontal Living Podcast. I’m Lisa Carpenter, master life coach to driven, ambitious humans who want more out of life without having to sacrifice themselves to achieve it all. I share how it’s possible to slow down, take better care of yourself, find more peace and ease, create sustainable energy, stop procrastination and overwhelm, and fall in love with your life, your business and your body. This podcast is for you if you’re ready to learn what it takes to thrive as a high performer, do less but achieve more, make you and your well-being a top priority, and create your extraordinary life. I’m so glad you’re here.

Hey, hey, listeners. Thanks for tuning in to another episode of The Full Frontal Living Podcast. I have one of my clients here with me today, Theresa. We’re going to talk about her journey through the growth of her business, letting go of her attachment to the outcomes of things, which I know some of you might be confused as to what that even means, her addiction to being busy. Busy was your buzzword, Theresa, was like the place you operated from, and where you are now. So can you tell everybody a little bit about you, who you are, how you serve the world and how we came to be working together?

Sure. Well, thanks so much for having me on. I can’t believe I’m here. So much fun. And it’s been a fun journey. I mean, if I go all the way back I think of going through the TCP program sitting on what they call a hot seat. I know not everyone knows all about this but, and just talking about how is over-committed and I didn’t know what to do. And how you talked me off the ledge then. And I thought I have to work she gets me I have to work with this person. And so was lucky enough, I think then set up that individual talk with you. But just to back up to who I am outside that I… do you want me to give the whole bio?

Yah, tell people what you do. Like cheer yourself. Shout you’re crazy.

Here we go. If I’ve learned anything, I’m Teresa Torelli. Live in Austin, Texas, married, I have three boys are 21, 19 and 16. And I’m definitely a boy mom. I own a recruiting firm. And we place, my business partner and I place candidates nationwide. And just also outdoor enthusiast, exerciser. So we have that in common, runner, tennis players, skier, love to do all the things. And so I guess come here with just so much gratitude and so, so much excitement to be here.

It’s gonna be a fun conversation because you are the epitome of a strong ambitious, driven woman. Right doing your thing out in the world. And there’s so many things that we’ve had to work through that were holding you back from stepping into that next level of success. So let’s start with this attachment you had too busy because that was really like, that’s the place you live from you were just busy. You’re busy all the time.

Yes. And I think of how boring I must have been because my answer when people would say how are you? How’s it going? And I think my answer was busy I’m so busy. I’ve got so much going on. And I know that I love being involved so it’s not that I was forced it was just I was definitely losing control of how many things I was getting involved in just because it’s good doesn’t mean it’s right and so definitely was living my life and that sense of busy overwhelmed staying up till past midnight every single night waking up at six the next morning just to try and fit it all in.

And how much was your identity tied to that busy, like what were you gaining from being busy all the time, from being that person that everybody always went to?

Honestly, I mean I still struggle with it’s my value you know thinking that I wanted to be all the things to everyone. I mean everyone. I wanted everyone to think that look at her she’s so how does she do it all look at she’s so helpful. She is always running things I kind of loved that identity of being the one that you know, was doing all the things doing them well and just you know, everyone being so amazed at that.

Right. But it was costing you a lot.

Oh for sure, for sure.

It was costing you a lot. So let’s let’s talk about how we unraveled some of the busy. So how is your life different now because you have dropped some of the busy like we were just talking before we went live about you know what In one of your sons was graduating, and you are about to dive into all things like grad Planning Committee, meanwhile, you’re growing and scaling your business you’re taking on more than you can chew. And what did I suggest? What did I suggest to you?

You mean with? You mean the actual story?

It’s a good story.

We were talking about, specifically project graduation, I wanted to take on a big role. And, you know, because everyone has to do their part, and everyone must do their part. And you said to me, Well, I was the one that came and dropped off the case of water. And I thought, could I do that? That’s awesome. I don’t look down on the people to do that. And that’s a big part of the help. So, and that was one of those aha moments for me for sure where you just start to realize that, you know, you can help but not have to run the whole thing. And I don’t know if I’m getting ahead, but you’re saying where am I today, and we were talking about it in a weird way, I almost feel like I have and many things on my plate, but I’m not as busy. So I don’t know if that comes from like an internal I’m actually doing things that drive me. I love my business. I mean, that’s been ramping up. So I’m busy with that. And then a couple of things here and there that you and I’ve talked about. And you’ve helped me talk through whether or not to get involved here. They’re helped me, you know, decide if that was a good yes, for me. And so I think maybe if you looked at my calendar, it would be similar as far as the times being filled, but it’s feels less busy. I feel, I definitely feel like I’ve had a lot more control over what’s on there and a lot more excitement, if that makes sense.

Yeah, we took a look, we looked a lot at all the things that you were getting caught in that was creating this like busy feeling and created a lot more intentionality about how you were deciding what you were going to put on your calendar, what you were going to say yes to and what you were going to say no to. And on top of that, just looking at how much of your time and energy was spent on stuff that was none of your business. I say that lovingly right meaning, like how much you were putting your hands on, you know, your sons, your husband, your partner, like all these other people, because that part of you that wanted to be the best at everything and be the biggest helper you were over helping everywhere was stuff that wasn’t, like I said, it wasn’t really any of your business. So can you talk a little bit to that what that looked like to let go of trying to control what other people were also doing.

That might be my favorite part of my growth, because anyone that knows anything about human design, which I didn’t until I met you, but I’m what’s called a projector, which means that it’s almost like I can see what everyone should be doing. And what I thought is that meant that I should help them do what they should be doing.

And when you say you see what everybody should be doing that’s based on your interpretation of what you should be doing. That’s not actual fact. You have to remember that.

Okay, yeah, that’s hard to remember. But yeah, I just, and so it came from a place of love this controlling everyone and quotes, helping them get to where they need to be. And then if they didn’t get to where I thought they should be, or what they were capable of, I would be disappointed. And that definitely zapped a lot of energy and time where I’m helping, you know, whether it’s micromanaging my kids friends and micromanaging what activities they should do, or, you know, same with my husband in a different way, you know, not telling him who his friends should be. But you know, there were so many examples of even like the school that program at the school project graduation could be run so much better if they just did this, this and this. And I’m not saying I have this huge ego but really it came from a place of wanting to help, like how can I help everybody? And that was exhausting. And wow, I mean the minute and this definitely came from you the minute that I could let everyone live their own truth and their own reality and back off and see how awesome that was. There was so much more there’s peace in me, peace in my house. And then something and I don’t know if I’m getting ahead too but then not having to qualify that. So if someone said well, what is your son doing now? And he’s not doing what every kid should be doing. Not coming out just saying hey, you know his job this summer is driving DoorDash and not feeling like I’d have to qualify it Oh, but you know, next summer he’ll be you know, just being able to, to answer for what I’m doing, what my kids are doing and not feel like I had to go explain why. Because you know, I’m not feeling like, oh, I have to tell them why they’re not doing what I think they should be doing.

Right. It’s that you have this high bar of living up to other people’s expectations all the time. Of who you thought you should be for other people, and everybody in your life should be right. So you’re constantly like, I don’t know, it was almost like gatekeeping. So you’re not gatekeeping anymore. You don’t have to make excuses for why people are doing what they’re doing. It’s like, this is why they’re, they’re just doing this period and a story. There’s no more like jockeying for position in your life, or I don’t know how else I want to explain it, it’ll come to me. But I was thinking, as you were talking about your sons, remember, we’ve had so many conversations, because your kids often will come to you to share how they’re feeling. And you would jump in with fixing how they were feeling and telling them-

Oh totally.

How they should be choosing and what they should be doing. We’ve had that conversation about asking them, what is it that you need for me in this conversation? Are you looking for my feedback and advice? Or are you wanting me to just listen to what’s going on for you? And how that has changed your relationship with your kids.

Oh, for sure, that has been and you know, the nice thing is that you were even vulnerable about things that in the past that you’ve taken, and that’s always so helpful to have to hear someone that’s been through it and made it on the other side. And I mean, it has been to me, it’s such I don’t know how to articulate like, what a blessing and what piece that we’ve had, with all of us backing off. And it’s I think, knowing or letting each other be who we really are. Even when it’s not the exact vision that you thought, you know, as a mom, you always have these different visions and then realizing who they are is actually way better than you could have ever imagined is just different. And realizing also that there is no one right way to be it really there is everybody’s right. Yeah. And I’m really I thank you for that, too. I just feel like, wow, how awesome that was I mean, to realize that this way of being is might be my way. But this other way of being that might be very different is also a great way to be.

Yeah, so often as parents, we get attached to our kids journeys, forgetting that they’re not our journeys, and there comes a point in time where our kids, you know, they’re sovereign beings, and they have the right to make their own decisions. And oftentimes, when we’re giving too much guidance or help, we’re, we’re doing it from a place of love. But we’re actually, how do I want to put this, it’s like, if if you’re saying, Hey, I’m going to do this, and then your mom and dad is constantly saying, Well, I think you should do this, what we learn is that we can’t trust our own judgment, we can’t trust our own intuition. Because my mom or my dad knows better. So we end up hurting our kids when we’re over-functioning for them all the time. Instead of taking a step back and reminding ourselves like, Oh, I know, you listen to your parents growing up, because you were much better child than I was. But I turned out all right, but you know, you think about it, how often you didn’t listen to your parents, because you knew the way you wanted to go. And that’s part of how we learn and grow. We have to trust that we’ve done our jobs as parents, you know, you’ve loved your boys and that they’re going to find their way. Even without your help.

Amazing. Yeah, that would add to that, too, if you remember to the other thing is because my personality is like, fine, everything’s gonna work out. Also, I was making that mistake to if they would come to what stressed out about something, I’d be like, Oh, just plow through, it’ll be fine. Don’t worry about it. And that was also not the right answer. So I was really, really listening, finding that way to listen.

Yes. Because when you know, for most of my clients who are really driven and ambitious, putting our heads down and pushing through is just the way we’ve always done things like that’s just what you do. But learning to pause and tune into wait a minute, what am I actually experiencing here? What am I feeling? And allowing your kids to have that like not just saying, well just go get it done. Because not everybody is hardwired, the same as I am as you are, as many of my clients are. And we have to let people have their experience of life. Let them be who they are. And so often people just need to be acknowledged what they’re feeling needs to be. They want to be seen and heard. So it’s pretty amazing that you’re showing up for your boys now in that way.
So talk to me more about a little bit of what’s changed for you in your business, because I know you know, you were feeling a lot of overwhelm. When we started, there was a lot of stuff to do. Your business has grown a tremendous amount in our time together. And I’d love to hear more about that.

Yeah, it’s funny, as you’re saying that in my head, I was like, this is also maybe a control issue, because I also want to do all the things in my business, I think I came to you. And it was just my business partner and I and now we’ve grown to five people. And a lot of that was learning I feel like with you how to give up some control. I mean, it came from this part was controlled part scarcity. Am I willing to give up that money to bring on extra recruiters to bring on extra help, and then and still working through some of that, but we’ve done a good job of adding people and learning to grow the business while you know, I love the way you always say like pump the brakes and start growing the business the right way. And putting Pete we spent the day today training someone to help us with sourcing and recruiting. And so it’s grown like crazy. It’s we love what we do we your whole detach, the thing that we’ve talked about that is detaching from even the results of when we bring a candidate to a client, you know, learning to just be like, if that’s right, it’s right. If it’s not, we’ll just keep looking. That attitude, even though you know, I know that it’s right, letting that go. So it’s grown, obviously, the business the numbers have grown, but just the people has, has grown and it’s just a lot more. It’s almost like I never thought I’d get here where I am and seeing the vision of where it could be. And that’s still a work in process.

Well, there was so much control, you had to let go up because you wanted to do all the things and be all the things to all the people. And in order to grow and scale your business, you had to let go. And you have to trust other people to do it just as good as you or at an acceptable level, right? Because you work at such a high level of excellence. And we had to really kind of moderate that, like, where’s you know, because if it’s, if it’s causing you to not be able to grow, because you’re expecting everybody else to be working at the same level as you, you’re never going to be able to move forward. So how can you grow your team in a way that they understand exactly what it is you need from them, but you put yourself in the position where you’re really doing the most important tasks in the business, and you’re letting go of everything else. And this has been, these have been some hurdles for you to get over even getting you to the place of this assistant that you’ve been working towards hiring for some time. Right? Because you’re so used to doing everything yourself, but starting to recognize that, you know, the only way for your business to continue to grow is if you continue to relinquish control.

Right. Right. And knowing that you I mean, I think not knowing it’s a, it’s not a final, try that it’s okay to try something it doesn’t work out, that’s not, then you can let it go.

100%. So, talk a little bit about boundaries. I know we’ve had some conversations in our coaching, I’m trying to remember the specific incidents, but it was about setting some boundaries with different clients. Because when your firm was smaller, you were able to meet everybody’s needs, like, you know, the snap of a finger, and things have changed. So I would love to hear how you’re setting better boundaries in your business and what that has changed for you.

It’s so this is timely, because you also, again, wanting to pry me wanting to be all the things to all the people and a lot of clients or community and even friends in our network. And gosh, we would we had a certain price when we started and hey, everything’s gone up right now. And that’s been really hard to say, you know, where there’s a couple of things that our prices have gone up and then letting down a friend or prior client that a walk away like that. I can’t believe that I’m letting that happen right now, but we are and we, you know, that I never thought I’d be able, you know. There’s part of me that wants that Oh, nevermind, nevermind, I’ll do it. I’ll do it at that original price. But we can’t, we’ll try again, I’ll drive myself. Crazy. We’ve got so much going on. We turned down some positions today, which is not turned down. We actually we love the people’s first phone call that we gave them to another recruiting firm. I have a friend that does strictly accounting positions and we gave the you know, at this point in time we’re so busy. So that feels good to is being able to not try and take it on almost greedily, but saying, let’s share the wealth. Let’s give it to other people. So I mean, there’s been boundaries in prices. There’s been sharing with other firms, there’s been really having to run the business like a business and not, you know, scheduling my days, I think sometimes I was up really late, because I wasn’t setting boundaries during my day, because people still wanted to do you know, whatever it was. And so it’s just was really learning to take my time using the most effectively and then also not being afraid to charge the right price, which that main came from a lot of help for you.

Well, you were working from such a place of lack, before. Lack and scarcity, which was so ironic, because you are one of the most generous people I know. Generous with your time generous with your energy, generous with your money, but when it came to you investing in the business, there was this sense of lack, and that has shifted so much for you. But a big part of that is also been getting a better handle on your money with inside, inside the business.

Yes, and not only that, but we even adding, so proud of this, we really at with every placement, we give back to something in the community or to you know, someone’s cause we have a lot of good ones. And now those are all on our website, because of letting some of that go to and deciding that whatever is coming in, we want, we want some of that going out into great causes. So it’s almost like ticket to the next level, which has been great.

I love it that you’re working from that place of abundance now. And I remember when you finally decided to go buy yourself your new car. And the discomfort of that.

You were responsible for that!

For that discomfort of that of you stepping into that new car. But I’d love for you to share. I’d love for you to share about that. Because you know, I just did a podcast episode. I don’t know when because I don’t know when this is coming out. But talking about, you know, do we’re allowed to want what we want, but when are we going to pull in those wants and say okay, like I get to have this now. Like it has to go beyond desire. And it now becomes like, Okay, I’m gonna give myself this thing. And that was a really like, that was like a catch your breath moment for you to get over the hurdle of allowing yourself to buy yourself your car.

That yes, yes. And I that was such an exciting time. And you know, trying to decide, and I had the money. And you know, was ready to do it. If you remember. And I my husband who is amazing, not a car person, all he has is company car, that’s fine with him. And so that’s not anything that excites him. So it was me like, should I do this or I earn the money, I go to a lot of networking things where I thought looks good for the business as well. And I think I was at the dealer and sitting there and I did emergency, I was doing emergency Voxer see, like, Should I do it? Should I do it? I don’t know, can I do it? You know? And so just in that moment of I wonder if I was thinking, do I do this? Or who do I think I am having this BMW X five, you know, and I’ve definitely was having that moment. And I do, I really, I mean, thanks to you, you. You were the perfect person, because who are you going to call and say, hey, should I do this? Because my husband’s like that is your decision. I don’t care about cars. And so you were my person. And so I pulled the trigger. Got it. It’s a tax write-off. That’s been great. Because it’s for work, and I just been I really enjoy driving that car. Like it’s just been…

Well, it makes you feel.

Yeah, it definitely does.

And you were one of these people that are again, always so generous with other people. But when it came to giving to yourself, that piece around, am I really deserving of this? Do I need it, it’s almost like you had to get into that place of justifying it instead of just saying, like, I want this, this is amazing. I deserve to have this car, look at what I built in my business. And then give yourself that. And I know that your car makes you feel amazing. Every time you get into it. I know my car, it makes me feel amazing every time I get into it. And this is what’s possible when we allow ourselves when we give ourselves permission to have those things that we want. It’s phenomenal. Right? Like we go out we earn all this money in our businesses and then like we feel like we don’t get to spend it on ourselves.

Right. And guess what? I’m so glad to announce that I mean, we’re still the same good giving people I’ll do anything for anyone you know, so I think that was a piece of it too. Like you think it’s just the label you put on things sometimes like the identity put behind this thing. Or the people that drive those cars.

So so many women, you know, at least women who come to me a lot of them are looking to generate more money, but they have to look at their stories behind money. And so many women, they say they want more money, but they’re actually very uncomfortable with being wealthy. Because they have predetermined beliefs about what wealthy people look like, well, they’re egotistical, they’re this or they’re that. We’ll never let ourselves have, what we are like what we don’t like, and other people are. Because we don’t want that identity, we don’t want to be that person. So there’s so many layers to work through around women and money and stepping into wealth and abundance in a different way as you as you grow your business.

So true, it’s a journey.

It is a journey. And this was big for you. Because when we first started working together, you were kind of looking at your business, you’re gonna laugh when I say this. But you were treating it kind of like a hobby. Like it was a thing, But it was like, it was just this little side thing that you’re doing with your partner. And over time, you’ve really realized like, oh, my gosh, I’m a CEO, I run a business, my business is growing, I’m a boss at what I do. Look at how I’m helping the world. And it’s really allowed you to step into this next level of success and leadership, like you now see yourself as somebody who like is really good at what she does. Right? Even with this new group that you joined, you and I were talking about how, you know, walking into the room, you’re like, Oh, I actually have a lot to contribute. And so many women get into this kind of imposter syndrome.

So true.

Right? Because they’re not there yet not even having anything to measure their against. So I’d love to hear a little bit about how you move from that kind of hobby into realizing, Oh, wow, like this is, this is a business, this is a real thing I’m doing.

Gosh, it’s funny that in just what you just said is that the end point is exactly I joined this networking group, and you have to have a certain amount of income to even be considered. And it’s all CEOs and I walked into my first meeting, that’s what I was telling you. And I think you had a similar experience last week. And it was I was like, wow, I belong here, I have a lot to contribute here. And everyone was awesome. And it was the best feeling. It was definitely you know, one of those moments where you’re, you feel that next your life has changed, like this is where I am now. But getting there has been a lot of you know, all the pieces that we talked about is starting to prioritize what I give my time to, and what I’m staying attached to. And then it’s funny, you know, not to be too woowoo. But it’s how things just started flowing. When you start when I just started, I really feel like working with you and understanding who I was and understanding what the business could be. Without even me doing that many, much. I don’t know if I’m articulating this right, different things, almost creating that identity of the CEO and this is your business. This isn’t a hobby and you know, my I’m lucky I have the best business partner in the world who has a very similar, our mindset is almost just move forward. Don’t overthink it, let’s not overthink this, let’s move forward, do the right thing. Make every client you know feel special, don’t get attached to the outcome. So all the things that you’ve talked about, you walk me through, translated into the business and became who we are today. And even, you know, back to the giving back, there was this program here called dress for success. And it’s women that are trying to get jobs. And you know, they had us speak to that group of women. And just again, feeling like using where you’ve come to help some other women, you know, get to where they want to be and you are the expert, and that in the subject matter of people finding jobs or having trouble finding jobs. So going at it from that side has been really rewarding too.

It’s amazing. What you said there. Well, there’s a lot of interesting things you said there. I know this, I know this for myself as well. Something magical happens when you make the decision. And I know it sounds Whoo, because I’ve questioned it myself. But when you make that decision to invest in yourself and hire a coach, it’s like you, you automatically catapult into a next level because now you’re that person who can’t screw around anymore because you’ve decided to have somebody by your side who’s going to be calling you on your stuff. Like it’s just, it’s a next level of success in my eyes. And I mean, I’ve even been reflecting on you know, my journey with my own coach and how just being in her energy, and some of the stuff that we’ve worked through, completely has changed my business because I was the woman who invested in the thing that is now allowed me to, you know, be, do and have these other things in the words of Jim Fortin. So I think it’s really important for people to look at where they’re keeping themselves stuck, because they are their only kind of point of reference. They don’t have anybody who’s pointing out other things or other perspectives that they could be stepping into.

Yeah. And in the blind spots, like I crave that feedback on my blind spots. And maybe it’s not for everyone, but I love I like your directness. Believe it or not, you calling me out on things. That’s, I think that’s why I knew I wanted to work with you. Because I, you know, of course, because I have a lot on my plate, I want to know, like, where my blind spots what can I be doing better? What do I need to work through? And I think I would stay into earlier like, I find myself on this straight path. And then I kind of go off the path a little bit. And then when I meet with you, it’s like, you pull me right back on the path in a great way of like, hone, bring it in.

Remember this thing? That was important?

Yeah, exactly, exactly.

And that’s a big part for you. Because you do like, like, you are always going to be the person that has many irons in the fire. And there’s some people that we need to like clear out so they can do less, which, you know, we did get you to a point of being able to prioritize better. But I’ve also come to know, like, you are always going to have multiple irons in the fire. So part of my role is in supporting you discerning what else you’re going to take on or what you’re going to have to let go of, or how we can get you extra support, so that you can continue to have multiple irons in the fire, right? This is why we’ve been talking about an assistant for you. Because that’s the that’s going to step you or catapult you into the next level of success, because now you won’t be managing some of these like, things you just don’t need to be managing.

Exactly. And I would add to that, too. And then how it’s not always a no, it can be a not yet. Like it’s okay to say.

Yeah. We have conversations about things that you know, you were thinking about taking on and we really work through them around what would it feel like to just say, not yet to this and circle back around? To explore this? Because so often we think like, you’re always working from a place of FOMO. You never wanted to miss out. And this was a really big deal. Because you would say yes to everything that we had to get you to Okay, well, what specifically do you believe you’re going to be missing out on like, if you don’t plan the grad committee, and you just drop off water? Like, are you going to die, you’re still gonna go to grad with your son. But you’re gonna have more time to do these things, which you’re actually telling me are more important for you. And those are the blind spots that you get into because you get so enthusiastic about the things that you want to do. Sometimes you don’t ask yourself the right questions. You’re getting better at it getting much better at it, asking yourself the right questions to slow yourself down a little bit.

I can remember one time you were like you actually said no, like, you’re like, Alright. We’re making progress.

It’s awesome.

A work in progress.

You have made a lot of progress. Like it’s really, it’s really awesome to watch and to have been able to witness. Like I always feel like, you know, my clients are the rock star. So the ones out on stage, you know, in front of the fans and everybody screaming, and I get to be the person like right at the side of the stage behind that first curtain with the best view, right? The best view in the house, and really cheering the loudest for all of you. But you know, obviously I’m not here to be a cheerleader, I’m actually here to make sure you get on and off stage. Do your thing in the best way possible. But it’s just been such an honor to watch and to continue to support you. I’m really excited about where your business is going. I’m really excited about what’s going to be opening up for you with these new things that you’re stepping into. And the connections that you’re making with people and how you’re going to be able to take this work and this is this is the most powerful thing for me is that you’re going to be able to take this work and the things you’ve learned, and you’re going to be able to pay it forward with other leaders who don’t have yet the same perspectives as you and don’t yet understand that they don’t have to work from overwhelm and chaos and being busy all the time and that they can prioritize themselves. Still say yes to a lot of things but most importantly say yes to themselves.

For sure, I am so grateful for you. I know this is not why you do this, but I cannot tell you how thankful I am and how you’ve made such a positive impact on my personal life, my professional life and I just really think you’re such a great human. I’m just it is so much fun and such an honor to work with you. And I am forever grateful for all that you’ve done for me.

Thank you. It’s been my honor. And I’m grateful that I had you as well over the past two years, because we navigated that whole COVID thing from a business standpoint, personal stand point, which was, you know, pull your people closer. So yeah, I just I really appreciate you and I just, I’ve loved being along for the journey, and I look forward to what is to come. So thanks so much for being here, Theresa. Is there any parting words that you have for the listeners, I’ve given everybody an opportunity to have the final say, so if there’s anything you feel that you still need to say, here’s your opportunity.

Wow, that I would like to prepare for that.

No, there’s no prep.

No, I would just say that I know your clients, and they’re all amazing. And that’s the great thing is, all of us are doing our best. And I just think you know, that’s what we can do. We can be good people, we do our best, you bring in a coach to kind of rein it in and show you your blind spot so you can keep walking forward and doing your best. And I just think that it’s an honor to even be associated with the whole group that you have together. And I know it’s even going to grow even more now. So it’s going to be fun. The ripple effect that you have has been amazing to see, amazing to be a part of.

Thank you so much, Theresa. Have a beautiful evening, morning, afternoon, wherever you are in the world. Thank you for joining me, Theresa, and I will see you all on the next episode. Thanks for tuning in to another episode. Now if you listen to this interview with Theresa and thought, man, I’ve got to find a way to work with Lisa. Before you do anything else, I want you to head over to because I am opening up enrollment for the next cohort of my intimate group coaching program. This is for high level ambitious driven women who want more out of life without having to sacrifice themselves anymore in order to achieve it. So they’re looking to figure out how they can slow down and embrace living their lives instead of their life living them. So make sure you head over, get on the waitlist I would love to chat with you to see if you’re going to be a great fit for this program. It’s very, very limited. So you want to make sure that you get on the waitlist before you do anything else. So and I cannot wait to connect with you.


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